Can I delay my period?

the question is in the title.

Hi there, yes you can, but you would need to see your Dr to discuss this. There are some hormone type pills you can take which are prescription only, and if you are already on the contraceptive pill, then you would need to get advice before taking anything new :) x

Yes, my partner does it all the time. Her GP gives her Norethisterone. I suggest you talk to your GP about it.

So I need to make an appointment to see my GP? I need it asap, can I not go to BOOts and buy over the counter?

You can only get a prescription for them from a GP if you have an nhs walk-in centre locally you may be able to get a doctor there to prescribe it to you with out waiting weeks to get a GP appontment.

if you are given anything like norethisterone then you have to take it for a period of time before your period is due, so dont delay in getting to GP. Sometimes a nurse at GP surgery can prescribe but not a pharmacist.

If you are on a contraceptive pill you may be able to immediately start your new pack, rather than having a week break, for as many days as needed to delay your period. I'm on microlite and the leaflet says I can do this. If you are on a pill, read the leaflet and see.

Unfortunately im not on pill

Agree with prior users. Not good to do on a frequent term basis as it can affect regularity of periods.

Even if you got a prescription now it would probably be too late to stop your next period, they usually say to start the pill on the first day of your cycle (the first day of bleeding). Anything you take would need at least a week if not longer to get in your system though, i don't think there's even a prescribed pill that would work over night or within 2 or 3 days so unfortunately i don't think there's anything an help you delay the imminent one.

I was prescribed norethisterone and it took maybe 3 to 4 days to work.

It is progesterone and it doesn't suit everyone, which is why you need to go to the GP.

Either follow the above or get an IUD fitted. I dont have periods due to having one fitted