Period delay tablets

Would you consider taking period delay tablets if you were going away on a naughty weekend, and may end up at the wrong time of the month.
Husband had vasectomy and I’m not on birth control as don’t need to be.
Anyone have experience with these tablets?


Yes, I’ve used them when my period was due on a spa weekend. I just asked my GP and he was fine with prescribing them. I only needed to delay my period by about 5 days. I didn’t have any side effects whilst taking them and they worked. Unfortunately I found my mood was quite low once I came off them and my period started. Overall, I think it was worth it for the relaxing holiday and being able to use the pool. I hope that helps.

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My wife has used them a couple of times with no side effects

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I’ve been using these period delay tablets from being a young teenager(holidays). I find them very affective if taken right but I have before forgot one day as I’ve never been on the pill and boom period is here and nothing will stop it once it’s started.
I will say though when you stop taking them my periods were so much more heavier and the cramps were painful. I have never suffered with heavy periods or painful cramps but these tablets every time have caused them so definitely bare that in mind.

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@BL140505 i have used the period delay pills. To stop a period that had gone on for over two weeks. After I first got the contraception implant in my arm. They can be used to either stop a period from starting or end a period. It all depends when you take the pills, in relation to where you are in your cycle. They worked well and stop my period within two days. They also helped with future periods. As they made them lighter and more time inbetween them. It took a while for my body adjust to the new contraception. I know a lot of people that do use the period delay pills for events like their wedding/honeymoon or holidays they have planned.

Thanks this is super helpful.

I wouldn’t want to take it and it has awful side effects.

I think it’s like most things, some work for some and others not but no harm in trying them and making your own mind up

Yep, did it for my honeymoon. It knocked my cycles for a couple of months and I was heavy when it did come right after I finished the tablets. But it was nothing too major :heart:

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It turns out I won’t need the tablets this month. Cycle went from 26 to 33 days so that’s sorted.
But still have them in the drawer and expire in 2027

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