Can I live up to expectations

Hi everyone, I’m new here. I’ve read some topics already and everyone seems pretty cool.

So, I’m a sub but Sirs desire is to have me Domme him one time. I’m so excited to try but not sure if I have it in me to take control. He has been incredible in guiding and teaching me so I’m hoping his ways have rubbed off on me a little… any ideas and suggestions will be much appreciated x


Hey @Cass11 welcome to the forum :wave::wave:

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Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:

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Welcome to the group.
Think of it as your the teacher he is the student, a bad one at that. Use every day annoyances to help fuel the dom, but dont let it become over bearing.

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Hi there @Cass11 and welcome aboard from a fellow bi sub. :slightly_smiling_face:

This thread might provide some illumination:


Hi :wave: @Cass11 welcome to the forum :blush:

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Hi, welcome to the forum :wave:

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Hi there and welcome @Cass11 enjoy

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Hi :smiley_cat:

Try to relax and have some fun, don’t put too much pressure on yourself or take yourself too seriously (easier said than done :heart:) you won’t become a master dominatrix overnight, some things might not go as you planned but that’s fine, it’s all part of the experience as a couple :smile_cat: your partner won’t be judging you, they want you to be having fun too

And the thread @PleasureDrone suggested is a good place to look :+1:


I haft to the head space of i am the boss or teacher works for some people and that the person being the sub is the person the u are distracted at or have been told to take care of the bad things they did and as someone else say us the every day thing and annoy and vex the person and give them something in very basic terms is a good idea

U so must never doubt your self be u and do.what comes but never let the sub get over bearing !

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Hi @Cass11 :wave:
Welcome to the forum!

I’m not very good on advice on this but hopefully the thread @PleasureDrone linked for you will be helpful to you.


Hello :wave:

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Hello and welcome! Try and relax and get some sexy underwear/outfit to make yoursel feel like a bad ass sexy b***h!

I like to make myself feel sexy, this makes me more confident and as strange as it sounds helps me feel more powerful. Start easy, use your words and feed off his response. Once he starts moaning/begging you can get out of your own head and it can be the biggest turn on. I was really unsure at first but was dripping by the end!

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Hello and welcome :smiley:@Cass11

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Hello there! Welcome!

I’ve got my OH to dominate me and she isn’t naturally dominant. Still learning but my key points would be a blindfold for him. It’ll make you feel less awkward or self conscious if something doesn’t go to plan (can’t find that whip or successfully clip those cuffs together). The other thing I’d say is take your time and don’t rush things, one of the sexiest things I find is when my OH leaves things for a few minutes and keeps me in mental suspense. Finally, agree boundaries / Safe word before and just go for it. You may not get everything 110% spot on first time but I’m sure your partner will appreciate your efforts to please his fantasy. Also make sure whatever you’ve agreed to you’re happy to do too, you’ll want to make sure you get pleasure from it too!

Good luck!


Thank you all so much for the lovely warm welcome :slightly_smiling_face: and for the advice too. I’m not sure when it’s going to happen but I’m hoping I will enjoy it, and Sir too, obviously.
I’ll be reading the links too, so thanks for that x


Hi @Cass11

Welcome to the forum.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make sure it’s how you imagine.
Just go in with some ideas and have fun.
I love to get dressed up as it helps me get into the role :smiling_imp:


@Cass11 welcome! I can’t really offer any advice on the matter as I’ve never been on either side of this! I’m sure you’ll get all the advice you need here though :blush:

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Communication is an amazing thing, make sure you guys talk about you likes and dislikes first. Once you’re comfortable talking to your partner about these subjects the explore them without pressure. Start off with light things and build on it without your comfortabity. And eventually you’ll build yourself into whatever you like doing


hello :wave:

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