Chatting up


I've been single a few years and with my work I travel quite a bit. I suppose you could say that I have a bit of a unique career. With this I meet a lot of new people.

I've done the dating apps such as Tinder and Plenty of Fish but I'd like to try and talk to a woman and attempt dating that way.

I've been out for dinner with work friends and I've been told so many times by work colleagues that they're surprised I'm still single, because I can "talk to anyone" and that I'm "very funny." When it comes to putting myself in the mindset to chat a girl up etc, l just can't do it.

I suppose the advice I'm asking is, well, what do the good people of LH recommend? What big "do's and don't's"?

Thank you!

I'm intrigued by your post. I've always been uncomfortable in negotiating social rules of dating....right from being a teenager. I'll be interested to what replies you receive.

Hey Latex lover

I think many people get into that 'chat-up' mindset then freeze....they think they need to do or say something special - you don't!!! Just talk and act as you normally would. with a bit of luck your body language will let the girl know you're interested, or maybe you will become friends before anything else - which in my opinion is always the best way to start a relationship!

LadySpider wrote:

Hey Latex lover

I think many people get into that 'chat-up' mindset then freeze....they think they need to do or say something special - you don't!!! Just talk and act as you normally would. with a bit of luck your body language will let the girl know you're interested, or maybe you will become friends before anything else - which in my opinion is always the best way to start a relationship!

Thanks for the advice! I think you're right and I certainly agree with the friendship first.

Good Luck Latex_lover - let us know how you get on xx

I agree with above. Less focus on chatting up will certainly help. It’s just adding unnecessary pressure on yourself.

Just be your usual self, talk to people you find attractive and let things take their course naturally. Friendships that turn into relationships have always been kind to me and is the approach I’ve liked people to take in the past :)

Thanks for the responses people!

It's interesting as I'm told on so many occasions by others that they can't understand why I'm still single, as I'm told I'm so easy to speak to and I'll talk to anyone.

I deal with the public on an everyday basis and feel very confident talking to strangers.

All good advice thank you people.

I try not to talk about my exes as the last 2 long term ones I had both cheated on me. Not something that is pleasant and it does make you question what it is you've done wrong, or what it is that's wrong with you.