Christmas decorations up?

Fill them with cat treats and hang them slightly out of reach for a festive cat piñata. :slightly_smiling_face:


Funnily enough I already do something similar with an old slightly rigged plastic bauble with the top bit removed - They roll it around until the treats fall out = light exercise and Bonus Biscuits :smile_cat:


I don’t think I’m putting up any decorations this year…
Most of the stuff I don’t use often are stored away in boxes and I don’t have the energy to go digging for my Christmas/holiday decorations. Looking at photos of how other people have decorated their apartment or house will have to do, haha! :sweat_smile:


We had a proper toy for this, a weighted mouse they had to knock around to get the treats out of, though only our female cat ever got the hang of it. It ‘mysteriously’ disappeared a while ago but miraculously appears once it’s empty again :joy:


Ours never liked the mouse but one girl does like a big ball version - occasionally she’ll just smash it into the skirting board to tell me it’s empty.

The bauble thing has 'kind of ’ trained them into leaving the ones on the tree alone - if they tap one and it doesn’t rattle they’ve learnt there’s no biscuits inside so not worth the bother… unless they’re just in a Cat Must Destroy Christmas kind of mood…


Decorations started going up the day after Thanksgiving in the US. My wife was very excited to start decorating and we even put up a smaller tree for our 3yo with plastic/wood ornaments… since we know she’s gonna destroy some things.

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Just finished them.

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Yesss, I put mine up a couple of weeks ago and it’s the earliest I’ve ever put them up in my home! :sweat_smile: :joy:


I put my little tree up and wrapped all prezzies yesterday :slight_smile: Was never allowed to put the tree up before 20th December growing up but as an adult, December is tree season!!


Got to wait a bit longer before i can put mine up, curse of having a birthday in December. Might cave and put some of the lights up early though, the weather has been so grey and indifferent here this week


Did it last weekend. Think our daughter had been discussing it at school so resistance was futile.


No! Only Halloween decorations are allowed in my house :jack_o_lantern:



Not only are the cards…wrappings…advent calendars…selection boxes out in full force.

But a few homes around here now have the twinkling lights…garden decorations and full on blackpool illuminations glowing.

With the increasing electricity costs too…:rofl:

Was wondering if any forum members have put them up yet or are thinking of soon?



Way too early! Sick of seeing Christmas stuff at work, and Halloween stuff started coming in on the August Bank Holiday!
Will put ours up when i have a convenient day very lat November early December, the outdoor lights weather permitting!
Used to be a family by our old house that went “The Fully Monty” from October onwards, they didn’t work, and i always wondered how they afforded all the extra electricity!
:joy: :joy: :joy:


Oh for petes sake. Not even haloween yet


Bit early for us too, we normally do the first weekend of December, but get tempted to take it back down again, the youngest always takes the ornaments off the tree and hide’s them :woman_facepalming: or he moves everything to the bottom of the tree :woman_shrugging:

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They might go up early this year but definitely not yet! We haven’t even had Halloween! :jack_o_lantern::ghost::skull:

I usually wait for a good weather window if it happens when I am feeling up to it to put the upper house lights on anytime after Halloween . I do not plug them in until after Our Thanksgiving (November 25th ) . That said , the state of the world this year may cause people to want the decorations to lift their spirits . I am so old I remember when you did not see Halloween stuff in stores until October or Christmas stuff until after Halloween .


Lol I can’t even think of anything Christmas related at the moment. Although I’m starting to worry about presents already and that’s starting to stress me out :flushed:

Still the same case as last year :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My house always has skulls and stuff around so there’s very little need to even put Halloween stuff up here, haha.

We’re having a Halloween incentive this month in work which started from the 1st and people are already foaming at the mouth for Xmas :roll_eyes:

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