
Is it just me or shops putting christmas stuff out earlier and earlier every year? I can unsterstand them putting out stock around late October but I strarted to see stuff at the end of August this year!

lol us crafters start in about April!!

To be fair retailers need to start early, I have sold Christmas cards at craft fairs and by mid November everyone has bought theirs


Thats very early indeed but I can see where you are coming from

I dont think they should start putting stock out until december - the later the better!

ghostgirl wrote:

lol us crafters start in about April!!

To be fair retailers need to start early, I have sold Christmas cards at craft fairs and by mid November everyone has bought theirs


Yep a lot of the shops round here had things out at April.

I think November time makes sense.

I believe it's a lot earlier for the shop that I work in.

Last year, there was a definate gap between the start of halloween stock going out and Christmas stock going out, even if there was a large overlap (So that Christmas stock was out just before halloween and fully replaced halloween stock after) This year, they both went out at the same time.

i do my shopping when the schools break up for christmas but my sister has done all her's.

I think it's crazilly early this year. I was in town for the first time in ages on Saturday and the Christmas lights are already up! As they don't take them down until the middle/end of January it means four months of Christmas decorations in the town center.... it's mad

It does seem early this year, I start shopping early but dont really expect there to be anything christmassy in the shop til after Halloween, I do thing that they should be a gap between one and the other.

On another point, I noticed Easter Eggs appearing in the shops in January this year, they seem to be getting earlier to

I know they started putting up the lights in town about a month ago. They aren't on yet but I suppose they have to get them ready. Still, seems a bit previous.

I've finished my Christmas shopping this weekend. Been wrapping stuff when I can for a few weeks too. I like to get it out the way for 1st dec. Got all my cards ready too, sad or what? Lol

But yes it is getting earlier. Madness!

I read an article somewhere about the possibility that many high street shops might go bankrupt this autumn. Something about rents falling due before the Christmas upturn maybe? Don't remember exactly, but it had to do with the timing of a major (annual? quarterly?) expenditure coming at a difficult time of the year and stores not having the financial resources to manage it.

So maybe they're trying to get some of the Christmas spending early enough to keep their doors open?

weve just started singing christmass songs at work but that is to get the children ready for the nativity play. it just dosent seem right singing them in october.

I bought pressies in March! I like to be organised because it means by the time the "rush" starts and all the events go on like the lovely continental market in Liverpool and other Christmassy things - I can enjoy them rather than stressing about sorting this and that gift out!


I agree that people are getting into Christmas too early. I can understand about shops having to pay rent etc, but isn't Christmas about giving, not taking as much money off people as early as possible?

Having said that, thanks to retailers early planning, growing up I used to get creme eggs in my christmas stockings :D

That's the other advantage of buying early - you can take advantage of offers as and when they appear rather than waiting until you're rushed last minute and pay more for convenience!


ghostgirl wrote:

lol us crafters start in about April!!

To be fair retailers need to start early, I have sold Christmas cards at craft fairs and by mid November everyone has bought theirs


as another crafter ( cross stitch) who's making gifts it's not too early, started in july, as things take 40+ hours to make per person

i like the fact that i could buy wrapping paper as soon as i've finished making something to help keep it all neat

as someone on a limited budget it's less of a shock if you buy things a little at a time rather than all in one week

Also some councils have lights up for Diwvali and use them then for christmas, so it might be that...

I make a lot of food things for presents, which often means I have to do them quite last minute so they're fresh, but if I'm buying things then I'll get them really early so I don't have to think about shopping when it's really busy. If there's anything I can make ahead that will keep then I'll do that as early as I can, for example I made my Christmas cake a couple of weeks ago and will just ice it a few days before Christmas.

On a similar note, last year I saw Easter chocolates in the shops in november. Much as I love mini eggs, I do think that's a bit much!

I like making things early so I can forgive Hobbycraft and such for putting their stuff out, but this extended build up makes people talk about Christmas plans earlier and earlier, and by the time it gets here I'm sick of it, and all the Christmassy magic has been sucked out and replaced with stress.

I feel for you Avrielle, just had a big rent increase and no one under 16 is getting a present off me this year. I'm going to make adults gingerbread houses and if they don't like them they can poke them up their bums or put them out for the birds, I don't care which.

Last year, I went to Tesco the day they opened after Christmas and they were putting Easter eggs out!!! WTF!!!

Why don't they just have a perminant section for Halloween, Easter and Christmas?!!!!