Christmas Shopping arrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh!!!

ShinySparkle wrote:

Shhhh Puddleduck and all you prepared ones! No fair! I can see you all now laughing at me when I'm dashing around shops mid-December screaming and crying!!

would I do that ![](upload://aybhjky1mPlgqoACHVsxChgZRPM.gif)

All done sorry.
Just waiting for black Friday to stocking fillers

I've thought about it does that count?

Now I cannot drive ![](upload://ceipqBTR0sMGMajGRWRbxCi6nYV.gif) bloody meds have screwed up my abiltiy to focus well enough I have to bus it which is fine but I also cannot carry anything (even my handbag starts to hurt after a while) so I have an old lady style wheelie trolley. Try getting that on/off a crowded bus

I usually manage one shop before I hit the coffee/muffin place and then don't want to start again
