
ya christmas is comeing earlier it takes the fun out of it

It really pisses me off when it's so early. I heard my first Christmas song beginning of October in a card shop, I walked in to get a card for a friend, heard the song and promptly walked out.

I really do hate Christmas, it's so hyped up. It is only for kids and it should be that way. It drives me mad when you get loads of arseholes all trying to outdo each other with presents.

I have told my family I am only buying for daughter and nieces and nephews this year, so three in total. It hasn't gone down well - but am I arsed??? Not at all.

I think Christmas should be banned until 1 December and any mention of it prior to that should result in a jail sentence of approximately a year, then we operate a three strikes and you're out policy, mention it three times and it's followed by a life sentence. I am officially standing for election as Prime Minister, wonder how many votes I'd get!?

P.S. Thinking about it should this posting go on the Rant Alert thread!?!?!?!?

I may need to retract a little bit of my Christmas rant. My little one has just given me my first Christmas card - so I feel a little guilty now, but not much!!

Looking forward to Christmas, as I fly out to Florida for a 3 week holiday :D