Classic vibrator batteries stuck

i just recieved the classic vibrator and i put the batteries in and it works fine but i CANNOT get one of the batteries out again. i cant grab it with anything and i have to sling it around like a baseball bat to get the other battery out but the secnd doesnt budge. Not sure what to do cos eventually the battery will die. any tips?

Hi @Captain_Lokiii and welcome to the forum :blush::wave:t2:

If you’re having issues or think that it might be faulty, you’re probably best to chat to Customer Care. I’ve always found them really helpful via live chat :blush:

Other forum members might have other creative ideas of how to get batteries out though!

THIS :clap: IS :clap: WHY :clap: I :clap: HATE :clap: BATTERY :clap: OPERATED :clap: TOYS :clap:

In all seriousness though, chat to customer care as it might be faulty. Also, did you use the right batteries? You might have put a bigger battery in by mistake.

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Hi @Captain_Lokiii :wave:
Welcome to the forum!

Could you be a little more specific with which Classic Vibrator it is? When I type Lovehoney Classic Vibrator into the search box quite a few come up. This seemed a possible option?

If so, the reviews are quite revealing (I narrowed them down by just searching for ones that mention “batteries”). Most don’t seem to have a problem but quite a few mention them rattling inside and some specifically say it takes AAA batteries. AA are stated in the description but you might want to check what the instructions with the toy say. A couple (who don’t say which batteries they use) say it’s very hard to get them out and takes some shaking. Some also mention a plastic battery compartment so I don’t know if the design has changed over time. If you can confirm if it is this toy or not, there are a couple of reviews from regular forum users I can tag who might be able to help you.

Have you got a magnet? A decent strength magnet should get the batteries out.

Also, what batteries did you put in? Some rechargeable batteries can be a little larger than their standard counterparts and so can get stuck depending on the battery compartment

Try holding it upright with the open end at the bottom and jerking rapidly up and down.