Company in the bedroom.


me and my OH recently rescued a puppy, he's a smashing wee thing but we've found him sleeping in our room in his crate at night, we're trying to train him sleep in a different room but it's been difficult as he cries and whines and we live in a flat so there is neighbours to think about, we are looking into things to try and help him settle and hopefully he will but I was wondering if anyone has/is having sex with a pet in the room, it just kinda freaks me out, I don't think I could perform.

LOL Wreck, aww bless the little mite. I'm not to sure how to help with the puppy crying in a different room.

But yes several years ago I've had sex with a dog in the room. The dog didn't last long in the room though as it kept growing at my OH like it thought he was hurting me? lol. So he was evicted into the hall.

My OH has done alot of research into how to settle him so we'll see how he goes.

Yeah I don't know how he would react, he'd probably cry or whine. Maybe some dogs would just sleep through it (depending on how loud you were lol) but I dont think I could do it even if he was asleep, just creeps me out. Hopefully he'll settle soon. Cheers.

I would be weirded out having sex with a pet in the room. I've never done it but I would make my dog leave if she was in the room. People do though, but I've heard a lot of stories like 'my cat/dog wouldn't get off us when we were trying to get down to business' or that their pet was just staring...

I have to agree if the dog was sat there staring at you that'd be a little weird. Mine was just asleep in his bed in the corner of the room and as we started he came running over to protect me and got kicked out for his heroism lol.

LOL the staring would lower my flag. Just staring at yous, you know that they are thinking "i know what yous are doing, and i dont like it".

I personally don't know why they stare, my friend has two dogs and when I go around one will just start humping the other infront of everyone! They clearly don't care lol.

Wouldnt want to be doing doggy style and then feel a cold tongue on my ass hahahaha! joke btw.

We used a hot water bottle wrapped in a bolster pillow with an alarm clock to help settle our puppy down, and put something of ours in the basket so it smelt of us.
You have to be firm with them because if you keep backing down your little furry friend will just keep acting out because they know they can win xxx

An ex and I had sex in the hall way once cheered on by ferrets :-\ we forgot they were there until they started chittering and dancing round the cage. Very awkward xx

Thanks for the advice lilithlibby, everything is worth trying to see if it helps him settle at night and when we're out the flat.

HAHA cheered on by ferrets!! Can anyone top that??

Our cats watch us. And quite often the baby wake ups mid performance and starts cooing at us!

Definitely try putting a old top or towel in his basket with him so that he has your sent to comfort him x

It will just take time. He is just a baby at the moment and unsure of everything and wants to be near you for comfort but as he grows up he will stop the whining and screaming to be in your room. My pup was the same. The tips already given are great, with the hot water bottle (Make sure the water isnt boiling because if he chews through it.....) Things that smell like you or your partner in his basket and then be firm but kind. He is probably scared thinking you went into that door and dont come back but over time he will realise what this is all about and see you come back in the morning.

LOL: My dog growls, whines and stares occasionally if we are doing the business (My dog is allowed to wander the house) we kick him out if hes acting like that, its off putting. Most of the time he just sneaks in quietly and goes to sleep, only letting us on to his presence when he starts doing that fereaky dream running thing lol.

try putting a radio on low for the pup in the rom you want him to sleep in . a talk station .. it should provide some comfort to hear voices an know hes not alone

what flavour pup is he ??

I had the same problem and I got this....

First I wore it and I felt uncomfortable becase the dam dog was still watching me so I started making him wear it... he soon got fed up and now sleeps in the kitchen.

Don_Don wrote:

I had the same problem and I got this....

First I wore it and I felt uncomfortable becase the dam dog was still watching me so I started making him wear it... he soon got fed up and now sleeps in the kitchen.

Omg hahahahahaha

What about putting a blanket over his cage whilst you're doing the deed?
When we have sex downstairs we used to just push the door to the kitchen mostly closed and that kept our dog in, however after a while he figured out how to get back in and had a lick of my oh's butt cheek whilst we were at it, it certainly made us make sure we shut the door properly now! X

We have 2 dogs in our room at night so know your pain ! Iniially we just laughed if they jumped up and we pushed them off, they have now fortunately learnt to not get up without an invite and quietly sleep in the corner.

However if either of us want solo time they have to leave the room as all rules seem to go out the window !

Just persevere and don't feel they are staring at you, its a dog not a perv

Living with my ex we had a puppy from the age of 12 Weeks. The first week we had Cofte he cried every night but I made him stay in the hallway. If he cried for more than 20 min I'd go out, look at him, put him back in bed and go back to bed myself (no crate).

After a week of no interaction at night other than putting him back in bed he settled down. Cofte is now 5 and I miss him terribly.

My one and only recommendation is go to a puppy club to ensure yours is socialised properly.

When I left my ex I also left the dog because where I escaped to wouldn't allow dogs. Every now and then I still text the ex and ask how my little man is.

Ours all cried the first night, but we ignored them, and that was that

Oh yeah about the crying - when we got a puppy we just explained to the neighbours that they might hear her crying a little for a few nights. She only cried for 2 then she's been fine and sleeps outside in a kennel ever since! X