Dating website hook ups

I’m just wondering what are peoples best stories for meeting someone on a dating website and then the sex that came after :heart_eyes:?

I’ve just connected with someone on a dating website who is very much open to trying new things! Music to my ears as I am at a point now where I want to try everything at least once in the bedroom, can’t wait!!

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A lot of my dating site meets have been hit and misses over the years but apparently the area I live in is supposed to be crap for dating lol

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My advice would be to establish - as early on as possible - what the other person wants. I met an ex partner on Tinder. I was told it was a casual sex app. We had plenty of amazing sex over an 8 month period. However… it was clear she wanted it to become more of a long term relationship. Aside from high sexual compatibility we had little in common. So we went our separate ways. When we split she was apparently heartbroken. But then I found out not long after she was back on it… so not that heartbroken :joy: Basically try to get to the point of what you’re both looking for at the earliest opportunity.

Having said that there are plenty and I mean plenty of people out there with sexual desires. As long as you’re on the same page you’ll have a great time.


Aye exactly what I do! What you looking for is such a good way to find out what they actually want early doors :joy:

If you don’t mind me asking what was that app you met her on called? @Shagger11

@LWels95 he said it was on Tinder :slightly_smiling_face:

Hahah I need to start reading properly :joy:

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I met my partner on Grindr, does that count? Been together almost 7 years now and have fur babies, a mortgage and joint bank accounts :grinning:


Congrats! That does count haha :ok_hand:t2:

Sometimes dating apps do come up with the goods haha