decisions decisions....

Neither my current bf or my ex ever asked me out, i got impatient and asked them, and you'd be surprised how many guys would love being asked for a change. Since most girls/women like to be chased, i think the idea of a woman being up front and taking control can be quite the turn on for them, maybe it gets them thinking how else you might take control ;)

Life is too short to sit back wondering what if, it isn't the ones who grab life by the proverbial balls and go for what they want that have the regrets in their last days, nobody ever died wishing they'd lead a simpler quiet and more predictably safe life!

Thing is...we both have kids.....his are many hours away in Cornwall... And he spends most weekends with them... Which means I probably will not see him bar socials for some I see my kids alternate weekends too... In the week would be fab...for both of us...if only it got started😜
I would love to get things started before this Xmas...I don't want to have another lonely one, or feel I have to go to my parents for the 20 questions about my life.... They are starting to grate on my nerves the amount of time they keep calling.... I want a life.... And I am sick of waiting for things to happen... I don't have an ex nor waiting for the divorce to go through... I'm my own woman now...and I think I have been on my own now long enough....I have made sure the engine still works...even after surgery last I need to get a strong driver😜 I need a sodding break in my life....I think mentioning to him when I am going to train at the local pool for swimming, and gym might not be a bad start... He lives near there...and may be in a position to see me there too.( besides....I have several fantasies about having sex in one of the shower cubicles there...or the sauna😜😉) who knows.... Although I am not likely to bring that up yet....or may be I should😜 would that be forward enough?

naughty mum wrote:

Thing is...we both have kids.....his are many hours away in Cornwall... And he spends most weekends with them... Which means I probably will not see him bar socials for some I see my kids alternate weekends too... In the week would be fab...for both of us...if only it got started😜
I would love to get things started before this Xmas...I don't want to have another lonely one, or feel I have to go to my parents for the 20 questions about my life.... They are starting to grate on my nerves the amount of time they keep calling.... I want a life.... And I am sick of waiting for things to happen... I don't have an ex nor waiting for the divorce to go through... I'm my own woman now...and I think I have been on my own now long enough....I have made sure the engine still works...even after surgery last I need to get a strong driver😜 I need a sodding break in my life....I think mentioning to him when I am going to train at the local pool for swimming, and gym might not be a bad start... He lives near there...and may be in a position to see me there too.( besides....I have several fantasies about having sex in one of the shower cubicles there...or the sauna😜😉) who knows.... Although I am not likely to bring that up yet....or may be I should😜 would that be forward enough?

His male trust your instinct he will love those ideas :) lots of time before xmas too.

Would becso much easier if he knew me here... I find posting here far more explicit and open. Than in RL....confidence is always been an issue in RL....I'm not a spring chicken....or got as trim a figure as I would like.... But I am more than happy to flirt my stuff here..... I need to find a way to do that in RL too.....thing is...when I was yo unger and fitter.....I was a serious flirt.... And I had the figure to feel confident... I need to tap into my inner flirt ....fwhere's the service manual!?😜😄

Argh! My fb is kiking me again! Its like putting a fork in front of you with a chocolate cake and death by chocolate cake!.. You know both are more than the other....but you really can only justify one...

Mix both deserts together for a eaton mess threesome haha ;)

Two forks, two equally delicious chocolate cakes and one hungry naughtymum. I'd be measuring my mouth at this point, see how much I could get in there ![](upload://5BDs2y1gm13l2R58ovmAMxyNM3f.gif)

I think you should try and start things rolling with this club guy. Like you said, you're getting your naughty itch scratched but you're obviously not getting the total fulfilment that you need, want, and most certainly deserve. It seems like you have this naughty persona which has flourished on here and with your fb - you just need to tap into that with this other guy, break out your flirty, naughty side to entice him and let him know that you're really, really interested.

I know it's easy to say and RL can be totally different, but I agree with Fitnessfreak in that a) he's a guy, so sometimes we need things spelt out for us and b) he's a guy! lol, and will probably really like you being confident and flirty and showing an interest. I don't think you have anything to worry about in regards to not being younger and more in shape - you're comparing yourself to your decades younger self! Hardly fair, is it? I'm guessing your avatar pic is you? If so your figure is fabulous.

You only live once, life is short, you're ready for this... go for it! ![](upload://h7LJ67OOrR57VDYrj5ZEwwHAfLG.gif)

Enjoy your freedom, after a difficult relationship you deserve a lot of fun

Yep the pics I have uploaded are me.. All me😉. .I have to work a bit o. My self image 😊.I'm going to see what happens on Thursday..when I see him at the club bar... Shame we both drive....Can't really drink...having a few tends to loosen ppl up... Well we have each others emails and mobile now via the club contact list... Could use that to my advantage... Not sure how yet...but it is there....

It sounds to me like you want to start something with club guy, but can't quite let go of your safety net.

Make the leap!

naughty mum wrote:

Yep the pics I have uploaded are me.. All me😉. .I have to work a bit o. My self image 😊.I'm going to see what happens on Thursday..when I see him at the club bar... Shame we both drive....Can't really drink...having a few tends to loosen ppl up... Well we have each others emails and mobile now via the club contact list... Could use that to my advantage... Not sure how yet...but it is there....

I think you look pretty good ![](upload://5BDs2y1gm13l2R58ovmAMxyNM3f.gif), try and be more confident although its easier said then done if your confident it will shine through and your feel more positive about everything and the men in question will notice I'm sure :)

Xx Thx guys...Doing a new sport means excersising in different ways... And kayaking needs areas that you dont core tummy muscles...I had a hysterectomy last still wip on that area.....I think that is my main self conscious area..Its nice to get a neutral view that my efforts are working😊 I should take the fact my fb finds me sexy..and does keep coming back is grounds for me to think more positive about this club guy.all in a..nothing ventured...nothing g gained😊😉

naughty mum wrote:

Xx Thx guys...Doing a new sport means excersising in different ways... And kayaking needs areas that you dont core tummy muscles...I had a hysterectomy last still wip on that area.....I think that is my main self conscious area..Its nice to get a neutral view that my efforts are working😊 I should take the fact my fb finds me sexy..and does keep coming back is grounds for me to think more positive about this club guy.all in a..nothing ventured...nothing g gained😊😉

Everyone has areas they dont like, perhaps find areas you do like and make yourself more confident. I think I should take my own advise there too far to harsh on myself.

You're gorgeous, naughty mum, go get him. **waves pompoms and cheers for clubguy**

And you're gorgeous too, FF, be kind to yourself :)

OUCH! Thank you ;) wrote:

You're gorgeous, naughty mum, go get him. **waves pompoms and cheers for clubguy**

And you're gorgeous too, FF, be kind to yourself :)

haha you know talk like that will get us in trouble again, bad girl ![](upload://rA41UoqYzU9yrgGiJUyzuRc98GV.gif)

Hmmmm..I wonder if I can use my exercises I was set at my scout kayak course to help me rotate more to the left( music inflict posture injury ) to my get some one on one tuition😜

Haha lucky man ;)

Ok ff...your a fit would you think I should play the " instruct me " card?
I know this guy is at a coaching level...and I have some tricky maneuvers to practice my rolls on dry land... With my kayak...what do you think will tip my hand, and get him an opportunity to put me through some solo paces?

naughty mum wrote:

Ok ff...your a fit bloke


To be honest its hard to make it obvious in kayak gear so I would just ask him, just say can you give me a hand you seem to be good at this, I'm sure he will be more than willing and the good thing about it you can play it down as just a friendly question or flirt tons depending on his reaction and body language. Men smile a lot when flirting so look at for that :)