Did I squirt?

Hi. I know other people have asked similar things but I’ve only just joined and don’t know how it works with regards to people posting and how long ago the post was etc.
Here’s my question: I’ve literally just been using the g-pleaser in the bath because I want to see if I can a) squirt and b) cum from internal stimulation only.
I’ve always been a must have clit stimulation to orgasm girl and I want to try different things.
So it took quite a while! And when I finally did manage to “let go” it was really watery - smelled a little like pee and had a tiny pee colour tinge to it. But I had just been to the loo so there shouldn’t have been any pee there. So I don’t really know. Also the intense need to cum came back almost straight away after doing it so I’m assuming that while it might have been a squirt I obviously didn’t orgasm at the same time.
Anyone able to shed some light or tips to help me achieve g-spot orgasm?
Thankyou new friends!


@horizontal_refreshment Hello welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


If you type ‘squirting’ in the search bar there are loads of threads on this.



Let’s be helpful people. I think it’s a genuine question. Why don’t people with experience try to help to answer this :slightly_smiling_face:



You can orgasm without squirting and squirt without orgasming so it’s very possible you did squirt.

As for G Spot orgasms, orgasms are generally learned way before we realise what we are learning. So when we try and learn a different type of orgasm, it can take some time but don’t let that put you off.

It can help to have a clitoral orgasm first or at least get yourself close, as this brings blood flow to the area and will help enlarge the g spot, making it easier to target and more sensitive. You can also bring in a clitoral orgasm when you are feeling really turned on by g spot stimulation, as this will help your body associate g spot stimulation and orgasm. Each time you do it, use clitoral stim a little later and a little less.

Also, adding in other types of stimulation while you are using your g spot toy, this could be physical like nipples or mental like fantasising, watching porn, reading erotica etc

I would say either focus on squirting or focus on g spot orgasms. Whilst one may happen while you are focusing on the other, trying to focus on both will just draw your focus too much.


Thankyou so much! Will keep going!

Hello :wave:


If I focus on an orgasm or on squirting, neither will happen. Try to think less about those and more about the sensations.
Enjoy the experience and if it happens great, if it doesn’t then you’ve still enjoyed the sensations :upside_down_face:

I orgasm then squirt, other people squirt then orgasm, its possible you stopped a wee bit too early to finish your orgasm.