Do anything for a day?

If you could do anything for a day what would it be.
Real or imaginary (non sexual). Possible or impossible.
For example:

The power to fly like superman
Day trip to the moon to see what Earth looks like.
Riding/driving route 66
Fly a jet fighter or spitfire


I really enjoy history I’d love to see what it was really like in the olden days so go back to the Victorian era for instance :slightly_smiling_face: or go diving in the Great Barrier Reef :slightly_smiling_face:


Boy , did that thought make my brain go into overdrive ! Of course the first 30 or so things involved sex . However I settled on time travel . I would like to be able to go into ancient history and see how close the history book are . Also more recent history and see what political people actually did VS what they say they did . Oh and I would wish to be invisible to the time period I visit . Would be especially handy for eavesdropping on world leaders and happenings . You may find this hard to believe , but I do not always believe what they tell us . Would also be fun to drop by the Playboy Mansion during its peak . If sexual , I could create a million things quickly .


Spend a day with my mum.


Being Welsh one of my favourite pastimes in spring is to walk and talk to the local sheep and lambs - it’s funny how they initially run away but if you softly ralk they come over and if you feed one or two they all come over - it’s just very calming and looking at the lambs us so funny


Have you considered going 1000 years into the future to see what its like… You might find they’ve worked out how to bring us back and that your part of it all in 3023… :thinking: :thinking:

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Best so far… hadnt thought of that… Wouldnt it just be amazing :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I wanted to fly to the moon… but now you said that, a day with Mum would be the bestest thing ever. Maybe Nan and Grandad could be their too.

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In my time travels I would like to go meet my Grandfather who died many years before I was born , cool idea !

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As my motto is “belive nothing, question everything” I would like to go back in time to various events and see if what’s being reported by the “winning” side is what’s actually happening, like @Oldman but i would have a camera to capture the reality.

I’d love to find a cure for all illnesses, and banish them forever but think that would take more than a day so I’d love to talk to my dad and ask if he knows I love him because my mum stopped us from going to see him when he broke his collar bone. I knew he wouldn’t have long left and asked my mum if I could visit him but she said it was best if I kept the memories I had. My brothers weren’t allowed to see him either, just my mum. I still haven’t accepted not being able to tell him I love him or to say goodbye and that’s been since 2011.

I love walking in the countryside seing all.of natutre its lovely up the garth

I’d love to be invisible for the day, like thing of how much hassle you could cause.

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Do the sheep reply in welsh lol