Do you get Rosy Cheeks when playing alone

This is so weird when im having me time ive started to get rosy cheeks,Its caught me out when ive played and then gone to work or to meet up with mates,Making up excuses like i had to run or im not feeling to well,Of course when im with my partner i get red cheeks etc..But this is new to me for solo fun.

Which set of cheeks are we talking about here, teacake?

I am quite sure she means face cheeks . My wife gets them everytime we have a naughty steamy session .

Face cheeks of course as im not going to be showing my bum to my work although some i would show lol

To be honest I've never thought to look! I can see why it could happen though, whenever I'm badly trying to disguise a secret I flush bright pink!

Just wanted to be sure, didn't want to be one to judge ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

For sure though, certainly with my partner I can get a full chest flush but generally my solo sessions never get anywhere near as intense.

Do you feel like anything has changed to cause this? Was it sudden or gradual?

I dont tend to look in the mirror after ive masturbated so i dont know if it was gradual but i would say its sudden because people have only just noticed and ive been masturbating for many years.

I worry if I have a wank at work that I come out a little flustered lol
But yes, my cheeks also flush

sometimes they do, especially if I've been playing for a while ![](upload://kym5tZ5EfyJxs6TKHB1Q2HtGSpK.gif)

My face and neck easily gets red and mottled when I touch myself. Although I have a bad habit of holding my breath when I masturbate. If I breathe properly its not so bad, maybe this is something to consider??

I find it quite ammusing actually . I just think you are wearing a badge stating you have just had a good time . So whats wrong with that ?

I do get rosey cheeks!! With hubby or solo its like guilty pleasure sign

A flushed face is a sign of a great "alone time" session... Good for you! If anyone is giving you flack about it maybe they are just jealous?! Frankly I wouldn't even make an excuse and just give them a look like "wouldn't you like to know!"

violetcreams wrote:

My face and neck easily gets red and mottled when I touch myself. Although I have a bad habit of holding my breath when I masturbate. If I breathe properly its not so bad, maybe this is something to consider??

I often realise that I'm not breathing while playing alone or during sex. Very occasionally hubby has to remind me to breathe !! But yes, I do get very flushed - hubby knows if I've been playing alone when he gets in from work ;)

Hot flushes come when almost at elejectlation. It also happens when alone or with partner. Its part of the pleasure.

From a guy's point of view my tell tale sign after a good solo session is my erect nipples showing through my t shirt as they get ultra sensitive when im aroused and i tend to play with them throughout my funtastic moments.

When I've been indulging in a bit of solo play my husband has often remarked that I look a bit ’flushed ’ It's a bit of a giveaway for me !