Does packaging matter to you?

I was sat here thinking about reviews and I thought some people talk about packaging and some don't.

So I was wondering 1) Does product packaging cross your mind at any point when you get a new product? and 2) Does a persons description of packaging ever affect your decision to buy something? (Not just on LH)

I personally think buying a new product is about the whole experience, including the packaging. If there was two products exactly the same but one product come with a really nice box, in much more likely to buy the product that has nice packaging. It completes the package, excuse the pun!

The only reason I don't talk about packaging in reviews is that mine tend to run long anyway, I'd rather focus on the product instead of taking up space describing packaging that people are quite likely not to care about. I mean they want to hear about the product, not whether I liked the packaging or not lol. In so saying, if the packaging is particularly nice I mention it (boxed lingerie for example).

I like my stuff to have nice packaging because I tend to keep it in it! So non reusable packaging annoys me a little. Not to mention if you spend a lot on something it is disappointing to have it arrive in cheap packaging.

yes most definetly. same as lovebirds i keep most stuff in its packaging

Packaging matters to me and I usually mention it in my reviews in case it matters to others too. Size, design, if it's discreet, it it would look nice as a gift, etc.

Yes packaging matters to me too. If there would be 2 luxury toys one in beautiful box and other in tacky, cheap plastic i'd go for that beautiful boxed one. :) Sometimes packaging really is off putting and a big let-down. Presentation is at least 70% of success at least for me.

MrsMcX wrote:

I personally think buying a new product is about the whole experience, including the packaging. If there was two products exactly the same but one product come with a really nice box, in much more likely to buy the product that has nice packaging. It completes the package, excuse the pun!

+1 For me too it's the whole experience, especially if it is a gift, it's lovely to see it presented well and just makes it feel more luxurious and special. I also keep some of the nicer boxes to store my toys in xx

When I'm reviewing I'll mention packaging if it's either especially good or a bit tacky, mostly so anyone buying it as a gift knows in advance and isn't scrambling at the last minute to find a replacement box.

For myself I'm not really bothered. I like nice boxes and they can be useful for keeping small things safe, but it's no big deal to me if the packaging isn't worth keeping.

MrsMcX wrote:

I personally think buying a new product is about the whole experience, including the packaging. If there was two products exactly the same but one product come with a really nice box, in much more likely to buy the product that has nice packaging. It completes the package, excuse the pun!


Also my mum was a graphic designer specialising in packaging so I've been conditioned to pay attention to this sort of thing! And I mention it in my reviews mostly to help out people looking for gifts.

I always say a little be about the packaging.

MrsMcX wrote:

I personally think buying a new product is about the whole experience, including the packaging. If there was two products exactly the same but one product come with a really nice box, in much more likely to buy the product that has nice packaging. It completes the package, excuse the pun!


I try to say just a brief sentence about the packaging if it's pretty basic but definitely talk about it if it's exceptionally good. With simple, personal use items it really doen't much matter to me, but with luxury lingerie or a gift product I like to know if the packaging is going to be suitable.

Sometimes the packaging can really put me off. I was lucky enough to get this as a tester and its a great product, but I would of never bought it if I had seen it in a shop because the packaging was mega smutty: woman with her legs open etc etc. I really like all of LH's packaging! They clearly know their market well :p

my fsog flogger upset me. all of the fsog range i have has all been packaged lovely but this was just in a cellophane wrapper. :(

Packaging means alot to me.. I want something to have nice packaging so I can kep it for storage or so It looks a little nicer when I give it as a gift. xx

I care about the packaging.Definitely affects my desire to buy something.And if i'm buying it as a gift- double the importance.

I know PA. It was the same with me - the flogger and tickler- they both came in plastic bags. It was a bit of a disappointment. :(

When it comes to appliances, TVs, speakers, ironing boards or bins and similar larg-ish items one has at home, I simply prefer the packaging that protects the item and keeps it clean, it doesn't have to be super appealing. Same goes for smaller objects I buy when I need them but don't consider them particularly "personal" - bike repair kits, screwdrivers, cleaning brushes... If they are safe and clean, it's ok. When it comes to stuff that feels like a personal gift, either to myself or to someone else, such as an interesting gadget, an item of jewelry, a gift candle, a sex toy, etc.(a book - though you have to wrap it yourself before giving it to someone), the packaging is quite important to me. When you get something that you don't exactly need, something that is therefore basically a luxury (though it may not be particularly costly), you generally want to get as much pleasure from it as possible - and the quality of packaging adds to this.

When it comes to sex toys, it really puts me off when there suggestive photos of supposedly sexy naked people on the box. Sex toys are very personal items and such packagings give me the impression of implied "virtual sharing" of my toys with odd strangers (perhaps not the best way how to put it but I can't think of anything better at the mo).

Joining you, pink and dota, the plastic wrapping was a major let down with the larger FSOG items. Not what I expected from that range.

I agree with everyone that was saying yes packaging does matter as I think that gives you the first impression of the product inside. Expensive/well presented packaging you think good well thought about product whereas cheap packaging I think makes the product seem as though it has been manufactured cheaply which may mean it does do what it says and that it won't last as long.

I always try to write a bit about the packaging as my reviews are the overall experience of the toy, people can always skip that bit if they want but i think its handy if you want to give the item as a gift.

With some of the items its not such a big deal as you can understand it would be wasted. For example people have mentioned bondage items, all of my bondage items (whips, crops ect) get the plastic thrown out and i store them in a storage box together so id have no need for the boxes to store them in.

But then theres items like the Julian Snelling butt plugs, i considered what i paid quite a bit of money for a luxury butt plug for it to come in just some bubble wrap, I'll admit i was a tad disappointed when i got it but then again i share a court yard and we're always sharing each others bins and i dont quite want my neighbours knowing what im upto when i do need to dispose of it!