does this happen or has happened to anyother lady?

Sorry men your welcome to comment if it happened to your ohs etc.

Anyone else experienced their monthlys starting early after a horribly stressful day??(im guessing its happened coz of the sudden rush of emotions causing hormone changes???)

Or even for anyother reason other than normal monthly cycle

Can't say I have to be honest. Are you sure it isn't the other way around- maybe you were coming on slightly earlier and the hormones caused the emotions to be more intense? Are you very regular? I can vary by several days either side, how early are we talking?

Erm im not really sure im regular ever! Weight issues etc.. usually comes ends of the month thou.

Poss your right regarding hormones change before emotions but was a hell of a day.

Happened once to me, don't remember if I was particulary stressed at the time, but it was an annoying surprise.

Definitely annoying .. thanks for your quick response

I find I'm usually late if I get overly stressed.

Hope you feel ok though sounds like you had a rough day.

Yup, this happens. Stress messes with a lot in your body and periods are one of those things! Not so much a rush of emotion (omg imagine if any strong emotion made a period happen?! >_<) as a rush of chemicals being released in your body, but yeah.

Thank goodness its a normal thing to happen although very annoying. Thanks every1

Yeah it was horrid day but luckily every1s safe n sound..

Yep, it happens to me quite often. Anything highly stressful and I'll usually come on within a few hours.

I came on next morning but suppose delayed shock etc kept it from coming til thenx

I have found that high stress can both delay and hasten the onset of my monthly. So can antibiotics or significant changes in one's diet. And once I got a painkillers shot (I had injured my back and was in quite a horrible pain) and as I was shuffling home across the town, I suddenly felt that particular feeling "down there" and "something" warm running down my thighs - yep, it started a week before it was supposed to come, and it was immensely heavy bleeding from the very beginning.

Nothing like that has changed diets, drugs.. but just a horrible day, least the end kept my mind off things ... hopefully that's all 4 this year n only good from now on x

When I had my aunt flo, if my anxiety had been pretty bad, my period would turn up a week early and played havoc with my hormones.

Since having the implant placed, it leveled out my hormones and has drastically dropped my anxiety. Bonus is that I don't have monthly visits, anymore :p

Yes I have implant too, messed up mine for ages so ive had to have the pill too but stopped it for few months to give my body a break from two contraceptives..and ive been fine thank god x

I'm so glad mine didn't start due to stress or i'd have been on a constant period for years! They were very irregular as a teen, settled into a 25/26 day cycle as i hit my 20's, thankfully the implant has stopped mine all together now.

It's funny that the slightest thing can effect a period, our bodies are odd things at times

They r that.. could do without it this week thou ha x

Yes this has happened to me I thought it was just me:((

It's happened to someone else! I've been really stressed recently and have been non stop, up to a week early!

I've had the implant for 9 months now and it's messed me up, I lightly bleed everyday but I know when monthlys are here.

I'm with you Cuddlekins! I can stress myself into being very late... Sometimes everything just happens on the wrong day sassykitten so hopefully you feel better soon!