Drunk or Sober Sex?

When we experiment in the bedroom I prefer to have had a little drink to relax! My OH doesn't mind this but does say he wishes i was as adventurous when I am sober. When you have an experimental session do you prefer a drink to calm the nerves?

I do prefer a little drink, especially before trying something new in the bedroom. Nothing massive - a small glass of wine, or equivalent.

If it's just a small drink and you're not actually getting drunk, I'm not sure why your OH feels there's a distinction between one drink or being completely sober, to be honest. Being more relaxed is the only difference I can make between the two situations. Maybe he mistakenly thinks that if you want to have a drink before doing something, you're not quite as into it as he is? I'm not sure.

I think it's perfectly natural to want a little something to calm the nerves - being relaxed tends to make things go better in the bedroom anyway, so if it means being tensed up, being completely sober can be a bad thing.

Honestly a small drink or two does loosen the tongue and nerves a bit allowing for you to be more comfortable. We have often gotten our most adventurous following a night out. Hard to say that it is all alcohol though, cause usually when we are kid less and can go out, the mood is better anyway.

I don't see any harm in a few, but could understand if someone were to feel like you would need to drink to open up to them. That can actually be a hit to the old ego. I have thought it once or twice but realized it wasn't that big of a deal. It may have been a drink or two that relaxed her to try new things but she definitely is willing to continue with them even sober.

May be a female thing. Perhaps they have more inhibitions to overcome.

I don't suffer from whisky dick so I'm alright either way, however; i prefer sober. Off topic now but I'm not a lover of morning sex..

Either is fine with me. If we are playing something like monogamy the drinking part of it adds to the fun, especially when you get to the stage of not overly wanting another shot just yet, then we have brought in forfeits to do!

Either im just the same sober or not... x

I dont need to be drunk to try anything really lol

I don't drink so I'm always sober for everything but lately I've been sort of wanting to have a drink just in case it makes trying new things like anal physically easier. I don't find I have inhibitions though so I think I'm quite lucky in that way.


If a drunk guy wants sex with me, I always assume the drink has just made him want sex more than that he actually wants sex with ME. Any dog would do, kind of logic. Quite harsh, but the thought process was instilled in me by previous partners and it's quite hard to ignore.

Not to mention when trying things out in the bedroom I prefer everyone involved to be in total control of their thoughts, feelings, physical actions etc. I wouldn't feel safe if one of us was drunk.

Plus with my emetophobia, I'm always scared a drunk guy will puke on me!

So yeah. Alcohol in the bedroom is the opposite of sexy for me lol. My partner doesn't drink anyway (nor do I) so it's no big deal :)

Hi, it's the OH here, firstly thank you for the responses.

I totaly understand my wife liking a little dutch courage before trying things, I do like the spontinuity of sex though so love an unplanned session.

@Manuke laughing at the "whisky dick" term, i don't really suffer from that unless I've had bucket load of drink but it can certainly have a delaying effect on me cumming. I enjoy morning sex though and to tie in with the drunk sex topic I do suffer from hangover horn.

Again thanks for the responses we registered here a while back but never posted, we have been trying to experiment a little more and have had some very honest conversations about what each of us are looking to try, posting on here seemed like a good step to get ideas and advice.

mrskandmrt wrote:

Hi, it's the OH here, firstly thank you for the responses.

I totaly understand my wife liking a little dutch courage before trying things, I do like the spontinuity of sex though so love an unplanned session.

@Manuke laughing at the "whisky dick" term, i don't really suffer from that unless I've had bucket load of drink but it can certainly have a delaying effect on me cumming. I enjoy morning sex though and to tie in with the drunk sex topic I do suffer from hangover horn.

Again thanks for the responses we registered here a while back but never posted, we have been trying to experiment a little more and have had some very honest conversations about what each of us are looking to try, posting on here seemed like a good step to get ideas and advice.

+1, keep coming back, I have really enjoyed my time here and even though my wife is not a member, she loves the info and ideas that we get.

Tipsy sex is my favourite kind of sex and when I'm in that stage of drunkeness, I can't keep my hands off my partner. But I only get drunk when I go out and after a whole night of dancing I'm usually too tired to have sex then so it depends

either, I guess we're not fussed, we don't get really drunk that often, quite enjoy 'tipsy' sex... always good fun.