Evocative Smells

I got my hands on a collection of Fragrance Library scents a while back and though I did find them very curious and interesting things they really came into their own when we started using them in the bedroom .

For anyone that's not heard of them they're little bottles of perfume/cologne that smell of all sorts of different real-world things, like Thunderstorm, Grass, and Gingerbread, to name just a few. So far our favourites have been the Salt Air one, as it takes us back to our holidays on the Cornish coast when we were younger - and my wife also loves the Marshmallow one. It makes me smell just like a freshly opened bag of marshmallows, which she always finds hard to resist.

They've really livened up our sensory play, either with a blindfold or just by closing our eyes and letting our minds drift off to all the places and memories the different scents conjure up. I'm finding it fascinating that a smell can have such a profound effect.

I'd be interested to hear about other people's experience with fragrances in the bedroom. Is there a must-have scent that makes you think of happier/sexier times?

I love smelling candles. It takes me ages to leave a shop with candles in because I want to smell all of them. A couple of months ago I discovered Paddywax candles and the scent combinations are beautiful. If you see them in a shop - a recommend a good sniffing session :)

Smells do transport me, and I like to use them when I am relaxing or writing. I find smells link to memories more than my other senses.

I was gifted Sliquid Tranquility (Thank you Mr Pheebs) and that's my favourite scent at the moment


The coconut and lime make me feel happy - and I think of the lime in the coconut song.

I also enjoy the combination of bergamot and sandalwood (so I think I would have loved this if I discoved it before it was discontinued http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=26095)

My wife's perfume. She's had the same one for a long time. I guess it's just the association your brain makes. Love it when I get an unexpected smell of it on someone else

Sandalwood has always struck me as a bedroom scent but I’m not sure why

I've always been a bit indifferent to scented candles, though I'm starting to think I may have missed a trick. ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

After using a few of these fragrances just to create an ambience we then thought we'd try using one to see if we could make a scenario feel a bit more like we we there. My wife always wants to sneak off somewhere secluded and fool around a bit in our posh clothes every time we attend a wedding at a venue with a garden (especially ones with mazes). This is not something we've actually done thus far. So, to fake it, we picked a scent called 'Grass' and my wife put on a pretty dress and matching shoes, and I put on a shirt and tie, and we pretended (from the comfort and sanctuary of our bedroom) that we were hidden away in a quiet part of the grounds and were free to indulge ourselves.

Obviously it wasn't the same as actually being there, but the smell of freshly cut grass really did transport us there in our imaginations. I would definitely say it added to the experience.

I'll have to say my wife's perfume too - she bought it for our wedding day and has had the same one ever since, every time I smell it I instantly remember our wedding day.