Exfoliating problems bumps on legs

Thank you, I never thought about healthfood shops, I shall have a look what we have here​:slightly_smiling_face:

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I have KP but just on the back of my biceps (think it’s mainly due to the buildup of dead skin during the winter months as I wear long sleeves, as it isn’t as much a problem in the summer :sweat_smile:) I also used to get flaky skin on my legs like you, but I use a body scrub (try to find one that’s just sugar based with no salt (as salt is extremely drying but sugar is a natural humectant) :+1: Also, make sure the body wash you use isn’t too harsh or drying as well :relaxed: I then apply a BHA liquid to my most problematic areas, and seal with Vaseline Cocoa Lotion (they have an unscented version as well) and on my legs I’ll put Vaseline over the spots I know get most dry :relaxed: Shea butter makes my legs break out so bad (though that’s probably just a me thing as I know others swear by it) :sweat_smile:

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I have KP too, I mostly get it over the tops of my arms but do get flare ups of my tummy and legs sometimes. I’ve tried a few moisturisers and have found that for me, the Dove nourishing body care “essential rich body lotion for dry skin” has been a lifesaver!

I’ve been using it every 2-4 days depending of how much time I have to get ready after I’ve showered and I’ve had basically no dry skin and waaay less bumps

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@rosiedosie Thanks I seem to be getting it all over my body now, it’s totally making me more self conscious I never use to be​:confused:

@chelsea29 Thanks for your input it does seem to be a problem for alot of people, my days have gone having smooth skin, I do hope I can get this under control.

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Oh dear :cry: Persevere with your experimentation until you find something that works for you, my KP is almost gone now with only the occasional flare up now that I found a routine that works :relaxed: Proper exfoliation and moisturization (everyday I apply all over even if I haven’t showered) have helped me so much, and the BHA has really helped the problem areas on my arms :+1:

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oh thats really tough. I went through a period of having it on my face really badly so i know how disheartening and generally difficult it can be when its like that. it does get better, trick is just to find something that your skin likes.
In the meantime, Sending lots of big hugs :hugs:


@rosiedosie what bha do you use? I have just started using Cerave SA Smoothing Cleanser.

@Green_Eyed_Girl I can feel those hugs​:blush: At least I know there should be something out there that’s right for my skin.

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