Favourite cartoons as a kid

What were your favourite cartoons as a child?

I had loads, here's my list:

Button Moon,


Shoe people,



Fraggle Rock,

Poddington peas.

I'm sure there are more, can you jog my memory?


Trapdoor, Duckula, Raggy Dolls, Mysterious Cities of Gold, The Moomins...oh, and the Wuzzles.

Hong Kong Phooey

Tom and Jerry

Top Cat

Rainbow Bright, Jem, the Raccoons, Inspector Gadget....

Sum Sub wrote:


OMG yes!

Danger Mouse too and Inspector Gadget

OUCH! Thank you ;) wrote:

Trapdoor, Duckula, Raggy Dolls, Mysterious Cities of Gold, The Moomins...oh, and the Wuzzles.

Trapdoor ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif) have a dvd of that somewhere ![](upload://kym5tZ5EfyJxs6TKHB1Q2HtGSpK.gif)

Count Duckula, I had a lunchbox of Duckla for school!

Hong Kong Fooey

Emu ![](upload://l9s9e23YKLHpoOzgGVeUkhZGcEr.gif)

Does anyone else remember dogtanian and the muskehounds?

Fun House

Art Attack


The LH Fairy wrote:

Does anyone else remember dogtanian and the muskehounds?

Oh yes! Loved it ![](upload://lJMrTcqgi5lI1FOpb07OYOcv2YF.gif)

I loved Fraggle Rock and The Moomins.

Care Bears (The originals)

How can I forget Carebears! (I still have Tenderheart bear stashed in my bedroom somewhere!)

My Little Pony too!

One of my favourite pass times as a kid was making up alternate lyrics to the theme tunes.

my little pony, skinny & bony...

actually that's all I can remember now!!

The Raccoons
Inspector Gadget

SS I still sing that now! My Little Pony seems to be everywhere in the shops!

I just remembered T-bag and Rentaghost

I know it's not a cartoon but I used to love eerie indiana too!


Defenders of the Earth

Tom and Jerry



Mysterious Cities of Gold

80 Days Around the World with Willy Fog