feeling unwell.

Hi all feeling unwell with a very nasty cold. been in bed on and off for the last three days whilst trying to a be a mum aswell. during this time i have been feeling rather horny. if i had the energy or felt even remotely attractive i probably would have jumped on the OH.

this is the first time i have felt this way when being unwell.

has this happened to anyone else?

Never happened to me. If I feel unwell and unattractive I definitely don't want sex.

Hope your cold is better soon x

No, When I'm feeling unwell and unattractive I don't want sex.

Depends how sick I am, but yes I very often get horny when sick and lay in bed, I have masturbated few times when in bed sick, unless it's a migraine!! they are awful and all I can do is sleep in a dark room with no sound. Aww hope you feel better soon hun x

Nope, when I'm ill all I want to do is hide