Fill the glass with positivity 🥃

So today I’ve been really focusing on positives, trying to at least. When you’re someone that looks at the half empty glass :raising_hand_man:t2: it takes a bit more work to see the good things. But that glass can be filled either way.

So to be fully cheesy…lets fill the glass, the forum has felt a little negative lately, and thats coming from me, the sour puss. There were a few things today that made me so happy that I felt my own happiness. That was surreal.

So heres my few things, I’ve forgotten what the 3rd thing was, so I’ve substituted for my constant happy music.

  1. Dinner with the family was great, there were NO arguments! This never happens. 10/10 would recommend that experience to myself again.

  2. Bunny tail grass that I planted in March has finally come through…it was plenty long, so its been there a while and I’ve only noticed today. That made me so happy that I did a wee happy dance.

  3. The Teskey Brothers were with me for some of today, they kept me focused in work, prepared me for the onslaught of arguments that didn’t happen. Then they were with me while I watered the plants and discovered the bunnies.

Edited for spelling :grin:


Beautiful stuff @JoCat :heart:

Had a nice visit to my mom’s this morning.
Had lovely conversations with a friend that means the world to me.
Had a great evening with my brother and his wife visiting.


We had friends stay this weekend.

Little kids playing together. Lots of great food.

Beautiful winter sunshine in Australia.

Walks by the lake and the ocean.

We do a gratitude practice with our kids at bedtime, before a story, and each say three things we are grateful for today.

Feeling blessed and grateful, even when jobs, humans and life is stressful :heart::heart::heart:


Visits with friends and family have gone well today :clap:t2:

I find humans very stressful at times, myself included. I do my own head in the majority of the time and there’s just no getting away from me!

Enjoy the apricity @our-adventure-bed :high_brightness: (couldn’t resist, its one of my favourite words to say and is such a good feeling)


I remembered my 3rd…I bought a waterproof jacket a few months ago and it was a little snug, I put it on today and I could twist inside it without it moving. There was no intention involved in making it fit better, just a physical representation of how good my walks have felt :upside_down_face:

I was listening to The Teskey Brothers while I was twisting in the jacket…all the positives lead back to them!


Just got done with three LONG days of hosting a garage sale. Had to wake up at 5am for setup cuz my lad is an early riser, and ran the sales until 5pm or so. Goal was to make enough money for a new swingset for the kiddos, and mission accomplished! :+1::+1:


Love this as a thread! Keep it up! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

As for mine;

  1. Finished another semester of uni, exams are finally over and I’ve got a few weeks before it starts back up for my final semester of this degree :face_with_peeking_eye:
  2. Now I have time off, I’m currently organising to finally go and see my long distance OH! It’s been four months, and this will be the first time we’ll meet in-person :partying_face:
  3. We’re gonna celebrate both our birthdays in person while I’m there (mine was back in April, theirs is a little while away), and it’ll also be our 5 month anniversary :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I had a lovely Father’s Day meal with my wife, daughter in law and grandkids.
My daughter in law cooked a lovely salmon curry (she’s Indian) and I got presents and cards from them and my other sons too.
A genuinely nice family occasion.


Brilliant! You must’ve had a lot of stuff to sell if it was 3 days worth!

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Exciting! Will you be staying with them? I’m sure you’re bubbling with excitement :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

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Sounds like a lovely peaceful day :star_struck:

5 weeks down if a 7 week work trip…
Yesterday went to a crocodile park and see the lovely Nike crocs.
Today heading off to a nature reserve for a 10km walk, nice to get out in nature

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Wow! That sounds amazing :clap:t2:

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@JoCat - I finally got the chance to look up the meaning of ‘apricity’
What a wonderful word! “the warmth of the sun in winter”
Thank you for this gift :grinning: :ok_hand: :pray: :sun_with_face: :heart:

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Yeah, definitely staying with them! This will be the only time I’ll get to spend with them in person until the end of the year, due to how intense my uni degree is :sob: but it’ll definitely make it all the more special

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I’ve lost a stone in the last few months. I know it doesn’t sound like a lot but I genuinely find it really difficult to lose weight even doing all the right things. So that made me really happy lately.


I had to look a bit harder for the positives yesterday, it was a hard day.
I did have a great walk with my dad, and we picked up half a bin liner of rubbish. We did give off about the amount we picked, especially as we did the same 2 weeks ago. But it made me feel good to do good.

I made chinese chicken with broccoli fakeaway and it was really tasty. That made me happy.


Looking forward to the postman delivering a cd today, will be reclining, closing my eyes and losing myself in the music after a disappointing couple of weeks.


Anyone have any positivity to share today?

I’m off work for a while to fix my head and today hasn’t been great, but I’ve decided to log out of social media and actively avoid negativity. It’s been such a drain lately, and I know it’s negatively affecting me, and I’m not in control of my emotions to be able to block it. So while I regain my superpowers to just let things go :woman_superhero: I’m just going to avoid it, and that in itself is my positive act to be kind to myself.