Finally decided to treat myself!

I FINALLY decided to treat myself and get a We-Vibe. Figured I might as well do it right if I'm spending that kind of money and I splurged and got myself the beautiful Passionate Play set.

I was very weary at first because the 4 Plus was getting a lot of mixed reviews due to connection problems or simply not fitting that person's anatomy but I am so glad I decided to go for it anyway.

Not only is the 4 Plus amazing but the Tango has blown me away. I bought the set primarily for the 4 Plus but I think the Tango is going to get a lot of attention as well.

Anyway, I figured I would open up a bit of a discussion. How have you guys found the we-vibe stuff to be? Impressed ir let down?


Have you come across something yet that had you doubting at first but after buying ended up being a favourite?

Go you! I LOVE the look of the passionate play set, but there's no way in hell I can afford it : (

I wasn't sure if the erotic rocket would be anything special, but I picked it up when it was on DOTD and I absolutely love it. I'm forever grateful for the amazing returns policy since I can afford to take chances like that because of it.

Good on you! Everyone deserves a good splurge, and I'm glad it paid off as it did :)

Nice :) I haven't exactly splurged on a one expensive item yet but yesterday I got 3 pairs of underwear and an icicles toy so I guess that's kinda splurging lol

I am so jelous!! x