First time

So just bought my first anal sex toy, been wanting to start for a long time, done some research but finally decided to go for it, Can any one pass on and good or sound advice for a beginner

We were in your position a few weeks ago, we tried a butt plug and it was great fun. Lots of lube and slowly are our two pieces of advice. Oh and don’t forget to enjoy it!

Realistic size to begin with, i went too big. Bad idea. I like anal beads and we also use a strap on. Lots of lube. Enjoy

FIrst of all relax! As said above use lube.. and then enjoy :)

I recommend something like:

If you're just starting out, The Jelly Rancher plugs are made from a nice flexible TPE material that's forgiving if you make a wrong move.

You can work up to the hard stuff (metal, glass, etc) later if this is your thing!

It's supposed to be fun, so relax, take it real slooooow, and don't forget to lube, lube, lube! After all, your butt doesn't make its own, even when you get really excited!


One other top tip I heard.

The anal sphincter muscles' more usual purpose is for holding the contents of your bowels in. The sphincter opens outwards when we relax them to have a poo, so relaxing to open up for a toy is a bit like this relaxed feeling of pushing outwards.

Hope this helps...