
We have been trying for a while to get my hand into her pussy. I just cannot seem to get passed my fingers. Any tips on going further . We always use plenty of lube.

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How big are your hands? :joy:

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Has she been warming up with toys daily before you try your hand?
I recommend getting a toy what can gradually stretch so in time you’ll then be able to fit all the way in :nerd_face:

Slow and steady wins the race!


Good advice from @AJSTAR. Maybe have a look at an inflatable dildo? Inflatables give the stretch without the discomfort of inserting something large. Once your OH has played with the inflatable toy for a bit, she might feel more able to take more of your hand. As you’ve already mentioned, lots of lube and being as relaxed and aroused as possible is really important.

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A word of advice from experience on this, if she has the coil fitted, fisting can move it, and stop it from working, our daughter is the proof of this! :joy:

It can take a long time. With some girls, it may not even be possible, depending on bone structure. For me, it took nearly a year to get my GF’s whole hand inside. I had to stretch little by little, and it took work. I still probably couldn’t get my husband’s hand inside…but considering that I started out barely being able to take two fingers, its a big change.

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