Forum conversations - right or wrong?

I joined in March 2018, and the friends list were quite benign by the time I arrived on the scene. They’d taken the private messaging away before I got here though, and without that friends lists had almost no function left. :slightly_smiling_face:

Gifting was good though :+1: (I think they may even be trying to bring that back). And that generally stayed on the friendly side too. More a gift to cheer someone up or say thank you than an ‘I’m thinking about you playing with this :sweat_drops::drooling_face:’ sort of thing. :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyone fancy a nostalgic look at gifting? :slightly_smiling_face:

If they brought gifting back, would that make people feel differently about hanging out here?

(Gifting was a thing where you could anonymously buy another member anything from the Lovehoney site as long as they had a public wishlist. So sometimes you’d just get a mystery Tuesday dildo for no reason, and wonder if you’d started ordering things in your sleep. :slightly_smiling_face: Often people would come on the I Got a Prezzie! thread and say they’d got something, and then the sender would reveal themselves too. It was quite fun, even if you were just on the sidelines. :slightly_smiling_face:)