Funny / inappropriate things said during sex

The movie line thread got me thinking about the stories that must be lurking out there about things that have been said during / right at the end of sex.

The thread got me thinking about one of the times the OH and I were having sex, and he slipped out. As sometimes happens; as he was manovering himself back in he wiggled his penis and went 'TAIL WHIP' and said he was a Pokemon.

Why? I have noooo idea! But I just burst out laughing. I watch Pokemon daily with my son, now whenever one of the Pokemon does the Tail Whip attacks I can't keep a straight face.

On another occasion, children had been coming up a lot and he keeps saying he wants them where as I'm a firm stander in the not right now camp. So right as he came he yelled "BANG AND YOU'RE PREGNANT"

I'm questioning now why I still sleep with this guy lol!!

Oh man, I don't think there have been any really. But I have had a few "thank you"s. I really hate the post coital thank you... ![](upload://auespWY2jeVe46VFziva9nry44n.gif)

Is it in ??

Are you going to come yet?
Or hurry up!
Usually I'm the one that just spouts crap during sex, I'll be chatting about some sort of nonsense!
No idea why lol
I actually bought a gag so he can shut me up!

I had an ex that sometimes shouted Yahtzee as he came!

Why I have no idea!

So he'd be cumming and I'd be in hysterics lol

Oh gawd, my OH has this Dragon onsie, so after coming up behind me one day and us having sex as he came he went "And you just got fucked by a Dragon! YEAH!"

haha @ Yahtzee D!

Last night we broke a three day dry spell (god help us when we have kids!) and as my OH came he cried "god I've missed you pussy"

Usually after coming my oh bites my neck!

I've missed you is another one. I never know what to reply...

I'm ashamed to say that I called my OH by an ex's name in the throes of passion ![](upload://kym5tZ5EfyJxs6TKHB1Q2HtGSpK.gif)

Frozenangel not gonna lie your hubby sounds as much of a geek as mine haha!
Except my partner never says anything during sex =( lol
The best I get is after a particularly time consuming session where he has focused all his energies on me, he HAS to say something about work or football... like it's been a whole 10 minutes hehehe

Love this.

My friend (honestly) was trying to get his wife to talk dirty to him. She wasn't really that keen but he kept at it until, while he was on the job, she blurted out "Fuck the pie!".

He had to get off, he was laughing so much. We still tease her about it.

Most of the time we have music on & a particular song comes on. I've done it a few times & sang along to the chorus "We're gonna ride forever". I honestly cannot help myself ^_^

Jazzam wrote:

Frozenangel not gonna lie your hubby sounds as much of a geek as mine haha!
Except my partner never says anything during sex =( lol
The best I get is after a particularly time consuming session where he has focused all his energies on me, he HAS to say something about work or football... like it's been a whole 10 minutes hehehe

My OH is a serious geek haha.

You remind of your mother !!

Usually i'm the culprit for this when i'm drunk.. I had the hiccups once shortly after he started and he decided he couldnt carry on lol or i suddenly decide i need a wee.

We decided it's not the best idea to have drunken sex anymore.

My OH once high-fived me while we were changing positions.

"There's a cobweb on the ceiling"

Said to me "are you watching top gear?" I had been distracted by the cars over his shoulder. He shouldn't have left it on should he?

My husband was trying to be funny during a quickie and said a phrase that my brother used to say and in the same tone, so I said 'shut up (brothers name)' We couldn't carry on, it just didn't feel right!

A friend of mine was having sex with her then boyfriend when he suddenly came out with 'apart from you, the only other person I'd want to lose my virginity to is my mother.' She ditched him after that.