General Fears & Phobias


For those of you who just looked that up and thought WTF:

it's only of one place/area (non sexual).

Ms M wrote:


For those of you who just looked that up and thought WTF:

it's only of one place/area (non sexual).

Fear of being touched? odd never heard of that... *pokes u ribs* is it there? *pokes again to make u giggle* nope def not there ur laffin! =P

May i ask where it is? Curious now.

There was a girl at my school with a fear of bananas...

That could be awkward in life..

Once her 'friends' filled her locker with them and she had a panic attack :S

Let's hope it's just the fruit and not things of a similar shape...

I have the irrationasl fear of throwing up.

It's been about 13 years since I last spewed chunks- I just find it terrifying!

I am very worried about flying , I never have flown , the thought of it brings me out into a sweat . However I have been looking at "Fear of flying courses" , I want to get over it .

MrSarcastic wrote:

Ms M wrote:


For those of you who just looked that up and thought WTF:

it's only of one place/area (non sexual).

Fear of being touched? odd never heard of that... *pokes u ribs* is it there? *pokes again to make u giggle* nope def not there ur laffin! =P

May i ask where it is? Curious now.

I'll be more specific... kaciraffphobia.

No joke, completely irrational. But then, isn't that what a phobia is?!

Also, incase you wondered - no, it doesn't interfere with my sex life. Well, it did in the beginning or with new partners who didn't listen to the rules. There are some cock-ends out there who when they find out about it, like to test me. Almost to see if I'm lying. Who's the bigger idiot when they end up not only sexless but with a bruised face and/or balls?

I have a fear of palindromes: aibohphobia.

(Sorry -- that was a joke )

Don't mind spiders - but scared of snakes.

Also, deep water (though when I'm in there I'm ok - it's more the thought)

And suprised no one have mentioned Clowns (know its sounds silly)

I hate small enclosed spaces and if I cant move properly, I really start panacking.

I dont mind spiders except the ones as big as your hands.

Janny wrote:

Don't mind spiders - but scared of snakes.

Also, deep water (though when I'm in there I'm ok - it's more the thought)

And suprised no one have mentioned Clowns (know its sounds silly)

I mentioned clowns already, they terrify me External Media

i hate snakes!


Yes, I know I am held together by one. Don't remind me *shudders*

Being trapped and not being able to move my arms. I used to squeeze into tight spaces for fun as a kid (Like down the back of the couch) and once I managed to roll myself up in a large mat. My arms were trapped at my sides. Completely freaked out. Course my screams promply alerted my brother, who found me, laughed, and left. I managed to unroll myself.

The idea of being stuck in a concrete pipe, not being able to move my arms from my sides, terrifies me.

Another thing that scares me is feeling ill and not knowing why, but that is kind of a rational one. If i've got a cold then obviously I know what's making me ill, but if I just start feeling dizzy or sick or whatever I tend to obsess over what it could be.

They don't really bother me overall though. The first is more of an abstract fear and not likely to happen, and if I know I could get out i'd be fine. The latter is something I consider pretty useful survival wise. =P

There are other wee niggles and fears, but nothing worth mentioning, other than a fairly normal level fear of hights. Or rather a fear of falling off and splatting on the ground.

Being alone in an empty house when its dark and late at night, I either dart about to where I need to go in the house or if I hear noises get the crowbar from under my bed. Sounds crazy I know but I have a thing about not being sure whether I have locked doors etc. Although at times it really doesn't bother me and is only in houses

I think it stems from when I was younger I used to believe monsters existed for ages, was a stage when during the summer if we were all in the garden and I wanted to get something from my room I had to run to it and only felt safe when I got there

Thank god at the age of 19 I'm not as bad as that

Ive decided im scared of women, need to be sourraonded by as many of you as possible to overcome my fears *coughs*.

Nah something that really freaks me out is my night terrors canna remember if i mentioned that though, had them yesterday when i fell sleep you would definatly hate them LovingHer (hallucinations and hearing sounds that are not there).

Ms M:

I'll be more specific... kaciraffphobia.

No joke, completely irrational. But then, isn't that what a phobia is?!

Also, incase you wondered - no, it doesn't interfere with my sex life. Well, it did in the beginning or with new partners who didn't listen to the rules. There are some cock-ends out there who when they find out about it, like to test me. Almost to see if I'm lying. Who's the bigger idiot when they end up not only sexless but with a bruised face and/or balls?

Sorry i forgot i posted asking about this, sorry to hear you have that issue i guess you need to find someone you can trust before getting intimate, i know i would be worried of about the bruised balls External Media x

MrSarcastic you dont mind the friend request do you?

Arghhh I would hate that if I was in a house all alone I'm sorry that you have them the worst is when you wake up and you actually dont realise you have I get them from time to time but thank god never in an empty house

I remember when I was younger I used to sleep with my back to the window in my room with my jugular vein towards the mattress - bloody vampires

Pixieking wrote:

Being trapped and not being able to move my arms. I used to squeeze into tight spaces for fun as a kid (Like down the back of the couch) and once I managed to roll myself up in a large mat. My arms were trapped at my sides. Completely freaked out. Course my screams promply alerted my brother, who found me, laughed, and left. I managed to unroll myself.

The idea of being stuck in a concrete pipe, not being able to move my arms from my sides, terrifies me.

Another thing that scares me is feeling ill and not knowing why, but that is kind of a rational one. If i've got a cold then obviously I know what's making me ill, but if I just start feeling dizzy or sick or whatever I tend to obsess over what it could be.

They don't really bother me overall though. The first is more of an abstract fear and not likely to happen, and if I know I could get out i'd be fine. The latter is something I consider pretty useful survival wise. =P

There are other wee niggles and fears, but nothing worth mentioning, other than a fairly normal level fear of hights. Or rather a fear of falling off and splatting on the ground.

Being stuck in a concrete pipe scares me also

LovingHer wrote:

I remember when I was younger I used to sleep with my back to the window in my room with my jugular vein towards the mattress - bloody vampires External Media

Don't forget they can't bite through bedcovers when you have them pulled up tightly around your neck! External Media External Media

This was my survival method as a kid, it must have worked, i'm not a vampire yet!