
Just stumbled upon this show on real lives channel on sky and got me wondering...Have/would you ever consider hiring a gigolo/escort for some fun times?

Not a gigalo but thought about a escort at times.

Anyone else want to add?

I wouldn't. Much prefer to be with someone I know and trust!

I think if I was doing a threesome with the wife I would much rather prefer an escort or Gigolo than someone I knew.

It keeps it kinda impersonal but not for me and her.

Well if you want to you can as long as you both have fun.

I have done a little of this when I was younger and single. Was a little niche I found when women first started to enter the board room or senior management. Parties and dinners could be awkward for single women.

One woman asked if I would accompany her to a big dinner party in a posh hotel. Initially I turned her down . Then she explained if was my manners and polite behavior plus the ability to hold knowledgeable in depth conversion.. Also be attentive to her. This evening went well and she gave me a bit of cash by way of a thank you. She was 20 years older than me and sex wasn't an option.

4 weeks later she rang me to see if I'd be interested in doing it for a work colleague from another area but for money I agreed . she was charming funny and very sexy. At the end of the evening she asked if I'd join her in her hotel room for a drink. She told me that it turned her on very much to think shed paid to have a young man accompany her. Then she came out with it. If she paid double would I sleep with her.

This did lead to a few more occasions but some women I did not find attractive expected sex and having to turn them down felt bad one in particular got very upset and angry, so I stopped.

My current partner used to be an escort. Made a lot of money from some very rich men, she as seriously considering going back to it when she split from her ex, but thankfully she met me and didn’t have to.