Got to say i quite like my pictures

That i uploaded on here yea it could be classed by others as im a crossdresser which im not really it only turns me on if its been worn by my girlfriend,But when i look at those pictures i think thats not to bad on me lol

Im sure other people would say im weird or im a crossdresser if they knew i liked this but the only people who would know is you guys/girls why i like it.

I can dig that dude.

I suspect that the pleasure you get from it is down to the erotic emotional attachment to your girlfriend. I sometimes find that when I'm not with a partner, I get way more submissive than when I am. I think it's something almost similar. It's like your erotic imagination finding a vent maybe??

Very nice legs

True the part of a pleasure is down to the erotic emotional side,Plus knowing she has been wearing it just makes it more kinky,There is all sort of things that makes me like wearing her things.

I dont mean to mention crossdressing as a bad thing its just not a thing i wouldn't like to buy some womens clothes and put them on that wouldn't really excite me.

Nice to know that the pictures are not to bad and nice to hear a mention about my legs lol

I really thought looking back at the pictures i would think god how silly i look but i just dont feel that.

I did feel naughty and excited when i was wearing them underneath my work clothes

I have a naughty erge to dress up in her kinky stuff when we are moving home,The removal men will be doing all the work so ill have plenty of time to enjoy the moment.

I dont like mine i will have to do a new one very soon

Very sexy thay are to sexy jayne

Thanks sexy

sexy jayne wrote:

yours is nice too babe, the tiger suits ya