Guys.. do you let your girlfriend kiss you after giving you head?

I have been with my boyfriend for almost two years now and when we first got together he use to love giving me oral sex and I use to give him a lot of oral sex and there was lots of kissing and touching. But now he wont let me kiss him after giving him head even for a few seconds! He hardly wants to kiss me during sex, never wants to give me foreplay and has said he doesnt feel comfortable with eye contact, which I really want to do. Also he refuses point blank to give me oral at all and I think this could be to do with the fact that he saw a baby come out of me!! Any advice? Anyone been or in the same situation? Would love to know im not the only one in this situation. Thanks, Lady.Gasm.X xxx

I can't say I've been in your situation but please don't think it's an issue with you. It sounds like it's a personal issue with him, I would suggest he signs up for some sort of counselling, it isn't bad but it maybe an outlet for him to clear his mind x

Hiya, we were a bit worried about sex after having our first, i was worried it wouldn't be the same, he was worried about hurting me. It was fine after the first time, i've just had my third (3 weeks ago) and have just ordered some condoms as we both feel ready for sex again.

I think you need to talk to your OH as he sounds like he is becoming lazy. I hope you can sort it out xxx

I just can't help but think it is because of me that he has changed.. puts my confidence down a little. But he wouldn't go for counselling or anything like that simply because he doesn't see it as a problem. And even knowing it is a problem to me won't change his mind. He is very stubborn! X

Maybe treat him the same for a while and see how he likes it

He is quite lazy.. he works fulls time and is always tired and when he gets home all he wants to do is smoke and play his computer games. So when we do have sex it is a bit rushed.. but also I just don't think his sex drive is anywhere near what it use to be. And I tried that too but he wasn't too bothered by not getting oral sex, as it means we could have quicker sex and he prefers to get it out of the way :( x

sounds like he's lazy, I would cut him off sex fullstop, until he gets his arse into gear :p

I don't think I could cope without sex, I get angry and violent lol. But seriously even if I stopped having sex with him he wouldn't be bothered. Would suit him to the ground x

Lady.Gasm.X ive added you as a friend as i had simallar experiences after my first was born. Id be more than happy to talk about it on chat with you and let you know my experiences of it x

Mrs Gunther and I always kiss after oral both ways.

have you sat him down and talked about why he feels like this? and explained how you feel, i cannot understand why he wont even give you eye contact

He says he cant do it with anyone, even just having a convo with someone he cant look in their eyes cause he gets shy and embarrassed.. and yes he said partly from the thought of me having heavy discharge during the end of my pregnancy. And thank you mybadx iv accepted :) x

Well I think a lot of it certainly has to do with the fact that he saw you giving birth - he's now seeing you differently and that's affecting your sex-life. I think it's definitely something that has to be brought to light as a big problem that you're experiencing; talking this out is a most.

How recently did you give birth, if you don't mind me asking? If it's not too recently, then this is just something that could come to pass given time. On the other hand, it may require an intervention of sorts. The eye-contact thing may be related, although perhaps not if he has said that he's never been keen on it. This is something that would seem to benefit from a bit of therapy, although if he's adamant that he doesn't need some, or that it's not for him, that's a difficult position to change.

Either way, this is clearly a big problem for you - as such, it has to be a problem for him as well. That's how relationships work, you can't be suffering in isolation, especially when it's him that's the problem. He needs to be brought into this dialogue if things are to improve.

I hope you get this sorted out!

My baby is ten and a half months old.. hes has given me oral sex a few times since iv had my son, but only doing 69er and he always says after he hates the taste of it, it just upsets me the fact that he never use to mind before i got pregnant. And he's never done eye contact but as time goes on the closer i feel to him and I want to be able to look at him without feeling silly.. I try talking to him but hey he's just a typical bloke. Never going to get anywhere! X

Have you tried any flavoured lubes like strawberry or cherry? they do wonders for the oral side - makes things much tastier !

Yes, no problems with that, she lets me do the same.

Yeh, hes not too keen. But thanks for the advice :) x

Strange i luv oral im more of a giver i love kissing afterwards even if im the one who has just cum in her mouth.

Think you need to sit down with him and have a chat.

Do you have a mutual friend that you can get to talk to him about it?

think you need to go to couples therapy to talk this out, its bad & upsetting for you & for him he maybe feeling like he is letting you down but just can't get over the fact he saw you give birth & a lot of blood came at the end of it that might have put him off, but talking to someone about it should help.

I used to hate scenes in tv when someone or an animal was giving birth still not 100% comfortable with it & would never thought of enjoy eat out a girls vagina.