hair colour

Hi most of us ladies change our head hair style and colour do anyone ever change their pubic area I have done a purple colour on my pubic hair

I did this some years ago with a kit I bought specifically for the pubic area. It was fun at the time but I've been pubeless for a long time know and don't have anything to color now!

It is a lovely thought but I and hubby are completely shaved so impossible now. If I had a little tuft I'd have it pink or blue.

I’ve put both a pink and a purple stripe through my hair (on my head) a while ago - gone now. Never thought about it for pubic hair. Interesting idea!

Both smooth so nothing to colour but it sounds a fun thing to do.

Completely shaved so nothing to colour

would give a whole new meaning to Blue September (for prostate cancer awareness), maybe next year if I think about actually allowing any pubic hear to grow