Having a Rough Week

Coming here to say that dear wife was asked to resign her position yesterday, rather out of the blue. She’s been discontented for a while, with lots of work struggles, so this may yet turn to gold in whatever comes next, but for now it’s quite the blow to morale.

Just coming here to share as y’all have always been such a supportive community for whatever folks are going through (and we don’t have any other places to share anonymously due to NDA requirements). She’s getting a hefty severance, so we’ll probably do alright, putting some financial goals and plans on hold, but it will be a change as we make those shifts and look at the trigger points for lifestyle adjustments. Unfortunately we’re probably eliminating the Lovehoney line item from our budget until something new is in place. :cry: But we’ve got the rest of our collection to keep our spirits up in the meantime!

Anyway - whatever you’re inclined by way of thoughts, prayers, or positive vibes sent our way would be super appreciated.


They often say when one door closes, another one opens. I always believe that these things happen for a reason. May not see it yet, but hopefully soon. All you can do is support each other, and yeah - adjustments may have to be made - but you have each other, and the next great adventure will come along soon. Wishing you all the best. :orange_heart:

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I have changed careers mid life, chopped and changed jobs in the past, sometimes with nothing immediately lined up to go to.
Once I told (screamed at) my boss to eff off and threw my work laptop down the room at him, and stormed out. Then realised that the car was a company one and I wouldn’t be driving home in it (such was the extent of my forward planning) :rofl:

It all worked out just fine, I am sure you will be back on top in no time!

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Onwards and upwards! Try and think positively, it’s a new adventure, a new day. And hopefully a better position for her

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I feel your pain and wish you both good luck. I’m sure you will find new opportunities going forward.

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As you’ve done, prioritise needs (home, food, etc.) over wants (lovehoney, etc) and use the severance to help you get through the bad bit. Recognise you’re in it together and support each other.
Good luck on the journey together - what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

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I wish you both all the best and whatever support this forum can help you with they will :+1: @LRLRL

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Sorry to hear this, but from my experience sometimes things like this lead to better things. Hopefully your OH will get a better job with less stress. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


I’m sure another door will open for you both now @LRLRL
Things happen for a reason…keep positive…maybe cut back until you know where you are financially.

You have each other and together you’ll find a way…hopefully something better will come along with less pressures.

Always support here on the forum…
Wishing you both the best of luck.



I believe in you! It sounds like you both have a good idea of how to make it work. It is a bummer and does suck but I hope she finds something even better. I know the feeling. Was at a company that was bragging about 600% increase in profit and then a week later, eliminated 100 positions. For a “local company who cares about the people” it was definitely crushing to people. I ended up finding a company that is way better now. Be patient and good luck!

@LRLRL everything happens for a reason onwards and upwards keep smiling :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

That had to feel great!

Went to work on a Wednesday morning by 1pm 300 out of a job out of the blue. Got another 3 weeks later less money but far better firm. It’s surprising how much s**t you put up with without realising. Good luck I’m sure things will work out


I was just saying to Mrs. Val that I am ready to quit my job yesterday. The money is fantastic but the BS and the drama is unreal. So much stress and worry that I hate my life when I am here and have anxiety about it when I am not. I can’t quit but I can’t stay. I just want to retire but I am only 45!

Need a holiday I think! All the best to you @LRLRL and we are all likely in a similar boat at the moment. Wishing you nothing but the best!


Sorry to hear that :persevere: Hope you guys can take some time to relax while you make your plans for the future :yellow_heart:

So sorry to hear that! Sometimes these things happen for a reason though.

I was made redundant from a job I hated years ago and it was the best thing that could have happened, made me reevaluate what I wanted.

I hope it turns out to be the same for your wife.

Sending hugs and support :purple_heart:


It may be a blessing and we hope it all works out well for you. Keep positive and we’re here for you.

We are in trying times, sometimes you need to stay true to your values and beliefs. So good on your other half, if the former organisation didn’t recognise the talent and hard work brought to the party, you can assured that out there is the right fit organisation that will.

Would suggest before rushing headlong into the next project take to reflect and allow yourself to heal.

Good luck.

Aye sounds tough at the moment but as you said it could prove to be a blessing in disguise.

Saying your wife has been disconnected from work for a while… how is she holding up with everything now and stuff? Sounds like she’s been going through things prior to this…

As always hope it all gets better again and you both can bounce back :slightly_smiling_face:

@LRLRL Sorry to hear that. Keep positive and hopefully a new opportunity will open. Sending lots of positive vibes to you both.