Having to use condoms

I am having to use condoms for the first time in 10 years and it’s not going well, I struggle to get much enjoyment and need to …Really go hell for leather to get Anywhere, any suggestions or tips for getting past it? It’s likely going to be the case for the next few months. Hard to do after not doing it for so long.

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When we used condoms, i prefered thinner or ribbed/dotted ones.

They defo reduce some if the sensation. I quite enjoy coming in them though, once my penis head slides back and forth in a sea of cum within the condom, the feeling on the glans is intense

Maybe try the ultra thin flesh type ones that feel like you’re wearing nothing?

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As suggested thin one tend to offer more sensations, LH do a variety of ultra thin condoms.

We find skyns elite the most comfortable when we have to use them. Personally I don’t like condoms either but it’s a lot better than taking a risk! If it’s only for a couple of months, maybe try a bit of mutual masturbation and non-penetrative play as an alternative to penetration and the need to use condoms. Be a bit inventive and try something new!

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tiny drop of lube inside

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I’ll give it a whirl, appreciate all the replies. Hopefully I can find something that works well for both of us and I’ll try the tips recommended to see where we end up :smile: thanks guys

Try not to think about it too much. If you use a drop of lube inside not enough that it slips off just enough to get some feeling and use a thin one it’s probably more of a mental thing.