Health Advice

Hi all!

I just wanna start a tread ( I've kind of skimmed this in my recent post explain why I've been absent from forum) to urge everyone here to be aware of changes in their body. I know also (i have trouble staying on a computer too long as it causes me pain) that when i have been on and having a read though posts there have been a few people saying they have found lumps or are worried but holding off going to the docs. I've seen my lovley friends on here go though what i'm going though at the moment and it sucks hard let me tell you.

Tonight i want to ask you all as a friend to help me out and help me get better, how? By making sure you never have to get to the stage where you are this sick, It really is awful and if i had mentioned this to a doctor a few years ago i wouldnt have been as bad as this, plus it would have explained ALL of my other problems (the ones no one could get answers for), but like many of you i was too scared. I feel stupid and hate myself for that now.

As off tonight please be aware of your bodies (or become aware of your partners body) know what is normal for them and what is not...if you find a lump, mark or whatever go to a doctor right away, unless of course there is an already obovious reason for it being there (maybe enjoying the lovehoney bondadge range too much!!!). It's not just finding things it's also knowing your body well enough to realise if your vision is funny, if your body is not doing what it normally does properly (yes we are talking about bathroom visits there).. Just know what is right and not right for you. It most likley is nothing but it's better to be safe than sorry.

I know i've had some misunderstandings with people on here( agessss ago) but i totally still care and i have a million friends on here that i would hate to lose! and of the beautiful people i have yet to get to know...Lovehoney staff ...everyone......

As a friend...take care and love yourselves.

Yep gps are a nightmare. I recently discovered the symptoms I've had for the past 10 years are identical to my auntie who has a genetic illness. If I'm correct then it's an illness that warrants annual checks for a certain cancer. A cancer I went to the gp about 8 months ago because I had all of the symptoms. I was just brushed off. Now they have given me a blood test, seen the abnormalities and are giving me top up vitamin injections and tablets. Then leaving it for another 6 months before they recheck! It's an uphill battle getting the gp to listen to you it really is. Sorry had a little rant there but it's on my mind 24/7 at the moment and helps to let out the frustration.
Fantasia fairy I believe I rejoined after you had already disappeared. I hope your activity means you are healthier though. This is a very important thing and a good message to get across. I know I don't check myself as regularly as I should :/ x

FF my dear I am so glad you are finally getting to the bottom of this and getting help. You sharing what you have been through I believe will help encourage others.

F F I hope also that you are getting help and sorted for whatever the problem is .

Yes you are spot on about doing body checks and it should be done without fail. We do make a serious thing a little more fun by inspecting each other bodies .A womens breasts are better checked by her partner anyway as he/she can see underneath the breasts better.

MysticalMayhem wrote:

Can I just apologise for my little outburst there. I'm sorry if I've ruined the nature of the thread :(

Given your experiences I think your outburst was understandable. It also helps to show that sometimes you should fight your gp if you have a concern as you know your own body better then anyone xx

Sending our love FF. xx

Sometimes better to see the locum GP at your practice (who isn't based there) as they give an honest diagnosis and aren't concerned about budgets. Failing that try a walk-in centre, again they charge back to your GP surgery so have no cause to misdiagnose or fob you off.

MysticalMayhem wrote:

Can I just apologise for my little outburst there. I'm sorry if I've ruined the nature of the thread :(

MM, I didn't take it the wrong way... just furthering the case that you have to advocate for yourself and your family on medical stuff. And doctors do get stuff wrong at times, which is why you gotta trust your gut instinct.

Sending love and healing ff xxxx