Think I need to see a doctor but don't want them thinking I'm over reacting

My left boob is dramatically changing it hurts and not just the time around my period, I had a little white spot now I've got loads of... Pink like bumps and such whereas my right breast hasn't changed and is still smooth until nipple is erect where it then all goes wrinkly like both do which I believe is normal.

Went a few months or so back and got told I just have lumpy boobs but this was a lump inside this is something different but I'm worried they'll just think I'm over reacting over nothing even though it runs in family

Kirsty, nobody knows your body better than you. If you feel there is anything abnormal then regardless of whatever anyone else thinks go get it checked out.

In most cases its probably nothing to worry about, but if you're worried then that's all the justification you need.


PS - I'm sure I'm not the kind of doc you meant!

Haha love it and thank you I think I will it's just it started with a small white spot which is still there and my mum was like looks like just a normal spot keep an eye on it but not there's all these pink little like lumps/spots coming up white one looks more like a whitehead pink one is more like little tiny lumps and in comparison to my other boob it's a worry. Will make an appointment tomorrow to be seen ASAP

It's just last time the doctor was kind and said she understood and I did the right thing getting checked but when I was just told its lumpy boobs I felt really stupid but thing is we get told HOW to feel for lumps but not what a healthy breast should feel like vs one with a potentially cancerous lump (this has always been a massive annoyance to me, how should we know what to look for if we don't get told. Should've been taught about it in science or PSE/PSHE or whatever you called it x)

Now don't quote me, I think you should be looking for hard lumps under the skin. But they always say if you're in any doubt get it checked, if only for piece of mind. Good luck!

If you're concerned about anything it's best to see a doctor to put your mind at rest. Obviously I don't mean any advice or info I'm sharing to be taken as medical certainty because I'm not a doctor, but hopefully I can share something that might ease your worries at least in the meantime until you see a doctor. I get really worried about health things, and sometimes it's nice just to have positive, reassuring bits of information, preferably from a doctor, but sometimes anything can help :)

My partner went to a doctor about a lump that was more like on the skin than under it, and the doctor explained that cancer sort of lumps are hard and under the skin rather than something that you can see or feel on top of the skin. The lump he had moved with the skin rather than being underneath it, and the doctor was totally sure straight away that it was nothing to worry about and just a random skin thing. I don't know if that's the same for breast tissue, but, even as a complete hypochondriac I would say that the symptoms you're describing don't sound like cancer lumps. Best of luck with getting it checked though x

Doctors Kirsty!!!

Ozz wrote:

Doctors Kirsty!!!

I agree . I think your situation needs more looking at than a pensioner with a winter snivel .

Get yourself booked in

Kirsty92 wrote:

It's just last time the doctor was kind and said she understood and I did the right thing getting checked but when I was just told its lumpy boobs I felt really stupid but thing is we get told HOW to feel for lumps but not what a healthy breast should feel like vs one with a potentially cancerous lump (this has always been a massive annoyance to me, how should we know what to look for if we don't get told. Should've been taught about it in science or PSE/PSHE or whatever you called it x)

You are exactly right, very few people are actually capable of performing a self breast check with any degree of accuracy. Boobs are such naturally lumpy and ever changing things it's hard to know when something is normal or not when, as you say, we aren't exactly taught what we are feeling for. Doctors know this and are happy to give you a more thorough check so please don't feel silly about this time, last time or any time, they'll be especially glad you're cautious considering it runs in your family. It's better to be over cautious and catch anything early than leave it too late because you didn't want to bother the doctor too, so it's very sensible to get checked out. Hope it goes well <3

Thanks guys and yeah I know it's normally hard lumps under the skin (that's what I found last time on under my arm on in my boob) but you get those photos of "what to look out for" and it says things like if your nipple has discharge, is puckered and if there's any changes go to a doctor. Now it doesn't look too bad this morning but you can still see red spots where the really bad parts are and I still have my small white spot.

Will stop by the doctors after work see if I can get an appointment. x

I've been to the doctors a few times due to lumps, as like you say, it's so hard to determine at home what a normal lump feels like vs a cancerous one (and to be honest, I don't think we should risk deciding that for ourselves anyway). You shouldn't feel silly - it's so important to double check these things and I'm sure the doctor would rather you went and it turn out to be nothing, than to sit at home and ignore something potentially dangerous.

On one occasion I was sent to the breast clinic urgently as I had a massive hard lump in one of my breasts and the GP had no idea what it was. I of course freaked out, but a scan at the hospital showed it was just an area of dense breast tissue and I was told it's very common in well endowed women - imagine how silly I felt then! They even wrote my GP a letter explaining that they had examined me and found me to just be "generously breasted" haha 😂 All jokes aside, I'm glad I had it double checked as I would have carried on worrying otherwise.

Also bear in mind that any major appearance or skin changes on your breast should be examined, it's not just lumps/bumps we need to look out for. Good luck, fingers crossed its nothing to worry about :)

I agree with Boogaloo. Skin changes should also be checked out. If you are asking the question about seeing the doctor the answer is probably yes.

Definitely have it checked out. I do not have any lumps and bumps or skin alterations on mine, but I have a preventive scan once a year anyway because of family history (and being too young for the mammography). Fortunately my doctors took my concerns seriously because of that and this yearly check-up gives me peace of mind. Better safe than sorry!

Get it checked, you'll get the reassurance you need 😊 I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but if there is something amiss then early detection is best! But it probably is just your body being a bugger and trying to keep you on your toes!

ANY change in your boobs is worth getting checked. No one is going to think you are over reacting at all. If nothing else it will put your mind at rest xx

It is always worth getting any lumps, bumps and skin changes looked at but the chances of it being anything serious are extremely low, especially given your age, so try not to worry. Lumps, bumps and rashes are normal, it is when they are persistent that you need to start worrying. I definitely understand why you worry though. I have an increased risk of breast cancer due to my mum having breast cancer twice (second time bilaterally), diagnosed the first time at 32. When I was younger I used to freak out at every lump and bump (and inevitably prod the lumps, which didn't help!) so now I wait two weeks before seeing a GP. 95% of the time whatever it is clears up and it means I'm not running off to my GP every five minutes. From what you wrote, you've already waited a while so you are definitely doing the right thing getting it checked out but remember, even with an increased risk due to family history, breast cancer in your 20s is extremely uncommon. Try hold on to that thought if you can't get an immediate appointment.

Cancer isn't the only reason to get skin changes looked at though and you definitely aren't wasting your GP's time. You could have a skin condition that needs a cream or an infection that needs antibiotics.

Any change in the breast needs to be checked by a doctor. Nobody knows your body as well as you do so if its not normal for you get it seen to, it may be nothing but its better to be safe than sorry and if your GP thinks thats wasting their time you need a new doctor!

Go to the doctor's Kirsty and get yourself checked. Don't neglect yourself. You are not over reacting, just looking after yourself. x

Lorah13 wrote:

Any change in the breast needs to be checked by a doctor. Nobody knows your body as well as you do so if its not normal for you get it seen to, it may be nothing but its better to be safe than sorry and if your GP thinks thats wasting their time you need a new doctor!

Totally agree!

I had a big wake up call late last year, I was away for the weekend in Ireland and found a big swelling in my right boob near my armpit, and it hurt. The texture changed slightly of it, so I booked in to the docs. When I went, he said as it happened in within the week, to go back in 2 weeks as it is only recent and very normal.. I had a thorough exam a fortnight later and what I actually thought was the problem, turned out to be something completley different on the LEFT side. I had a swelling in that boob that I didn't know of and also a huge lymph node. I had to go back another fortnight later and turns out everything is ok. It was a huge huge worry and stress for me, as obviously not having a clue what it was or potentially could be.

He stressed to me I didn't waste his time, it's what he is there for. What if it was something bad and I ignored it? 

Stop being silly Kirsty and get yourself to the doctors!