Helpful tips for Lovehoney forum use! (old)

Ian Chimp wrote:

I did not know this thread existed. I shall be putting all my Top Tips in here from now on. Let's start with the paragraph one to kick us off. πŸ™‚

For those people on the mobile version who are still losing paragraphs when they publish their posts you can manually force in the paragraph formatting by using the <p> and </p> codes at the start and end of the desired paragraphs. It is a bit of a faff but it does make long posts readable again. πŸ™‚

Here's an example:

An Example:

<p> Bla Bla Bla First paragraph Bla Bla Bla </p>

<p> Bla Bla Bla Second paragraph Bla Bla Bla </p>

Some other useful codes are <strong> </strong> for bold, <em> </em> for italics, and <u> </u> for underline.

Hope this is useful πŸ™‚

There is another workaround for adding paragraphs that some may find simpler. If you're on your mobile you can flip to the desktop version in your browser settings and that should allow you to add paragraphs in the normal way rather than adding the <p> </p> codes. πŸ‘

Helpful as always Ian chimp

D&E wrote:

Helpful as always Ian chimp

That's actually another of K&c30's ones that I haven't given him credit for. πŸ‘πŸ™‚

Ian Chimp wrote:

D&E wrote:

Helpful as always Ian chimp

That's actually another of K&c30's ones that I haven't given him credit for. πŸ‘πŸ™‚

I was sure I posted that somewhere lol. Good thread to post it on... top thinking once again Mr Chimp.

Ian Chimp wrote:

I did not know this thread existed. I shall be putting all my Top Tips in here from now on. Let's start with the paragraph one to kick us off. πŸ™‚

For those people on the mobile version who are still losing paragraphs when they publish their posts you can manually force in the paragraph formatting by using the <p> and </p> codes at the start and end of the desired paragraphs. It is a bit of a faff but it does make long posts readable again. πŸ™‚

Here's an example:

An Example:

<p> Bla Bla Bla First paragraph Bla Bla Bla </p>

<p> Bla Bla Bla Second paragraph Bla Bla Bla </p>

Some other useful codes are <strong> </strong> for bold, <em> </em> for italics, and <u> </u> for underline.

Hope this is useful πŸ™‚

This just made my day seeing this, as I have issues with the spacing!! Fankoo

I've been meaning to pop this one here for awhile but, ironically, it's been 'content blocking' me.

My Top Tip today is if you're writing a review and then you submit it only to hit the 'content blocked' screen then you can swop your regular brackets out for { } ones and it goes through fine. Obviously this creates a bit more work for the editors so use it wisely, but if you're in a pinch then it's there if you need it. πŸ‘πŸ™‚

(credit to Smultron for working out it was the brackets in the first place. I was trying to quote the earlier post, but it 'content blocked' me)

Π½ΠΈΠ½Π°nin revealed this amazing trick to access all the discontinued items if you're ever looking for them to link in your posts. πŸ‘ You can find a full list here :

Ian Chimp wrote:

Π½ΠΈΠ½Π°nin revealed this amazing trick to access all the discontinued items if you're ever looking for them to link in your posts. πŸ‘ You can find a full list here :

How do we campaign to get some back? ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)



I've been using another bit of code recently to occasionally give a bigger gap between paragraphs. It's not going to be mega-useful to many people, but I thought I'd share it anyway. πŸ™‚πŸ‘


(I also wanted to check if I could get the half symbol to work Β½)

Edit: It worked. πŸ™‚

That works from the html code, so you'd need to type &#189; πŸ‘

1Β½ hours is 1&#189; hours

I probably should have worked this one out sooner, but better late then never. πŸ™‚ If you follow a link to a discontinued product on your phone and the product images don't show up then if you tilt your phone into landscape (with auto-rotate on) then they show up. πŸ‘

Here's the discontinued list again if anyone wants to see if this tip works for them:

Ian Chimp wrote:

I probably should have worked this one out sooner, but better late then never. πŸ™‚ If you follow a link to a discontinued product on your phone and the product images don't show up then if you tilt your phone into landscape (with auto-rotate on) then they show up. πŸ‘

Here's the discontinued list again if anyone wants to see if this tip works for them:

Cheers, great posts, didn't understand the

codes previously.

The paragraph issue is starting to irritate again. It used to be that if I just selected desktop site, then paragraphs worked. Now, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, no idea why. Grrrrrr.

On a positive note, this is immensely helpful info on this thread, always learning some new tricks!

Paragraphs on this didn't work again, but edited to leave a huge gap between them and, taadaaa, it worked!

I thought I'd already put a tip down about manually adding the quote code, but it appears I haven't. πŸ™‚ For those people who don't have a working 'quote this post' button you can add the blockquote tags around the quoted text to give a similar effect. You'll also need to add the '[member] writes:' text, as well as all the paragraph tags, so it may be more trouble than it's worth. But, anyway, here you go: πŸ™‚

<blockquote> <p>Ian Chimp wrote:</p>





Thank you Ian

This will come in handy

Just testing


Ohhh thanks for the paragraph tip πŸ’œ

This one is for anyone who wants to add a 'Hurry! This discontinued item won't be restocked!' item to a wishlist (as those items lose the Add to Wishlist button). πŸ™‚πŸ‘

If you amend the link below and pop the product code for the item you want to add to your wishlist in place of the final digits then that should work.

(You can get the product code from the product page itself. It's next to the phone icon, and says "Order over the phone: Call and quote code 79507." πŸ‘)

Thank you for the paragraph advice Ian!

Have just changed to desktop so hoping this works 🀞🏻

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Helpful tips for Lovehoney forum use - 2.0


I think we may need a new Tips thread. Most of this one is redundant now. :slight_smile: