He's just not that into me šŸ˜”

Thatā€™s a tricky situation to be in and I know itā€™s not helped by the stubbornness men can be a lot of the time so my thoughts go out to you on this.


Having read your comments and further info regarding the matter, I think the drinking is the habit causing the issues. If he admitted he needed help then backtracked it sort of says it all. Heā€™s alcohol dependent and sex is the last thing on his mind as he doesnā€™t see it as important ā€¦ perhaps like he craves a drink?

I think you need to address the sex issue but the drink more so ā€¦ if not himself (most important) for you and your child! He needs to get some help for all your sakes.


@Crake85 he definitely finds it hard to talk to me, he just sees me as the ā€œnagging wifeā€ even when Iā€™m not nagging lol
I have thought of the idea of a maids outfit, but they all seem to be just abit of stringā€¦ I like something with abit more depth to it.
Thanks for your support x

Maybe when you sit down to talk ask him a few fantasies ! ? Ask what would do it for him ?

@AJSTAR heā€™s definitely stubborn :clap:t3: but then again so can I. Since having a child Iā€™ve definitely let alot go, Iā€™ve had to, otherwise it would just eat me up inside. He just doesnā€™t know when or how to let things go. X

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@M32 I feel your pain, and self release just doesnā€™t do it for me. I love feeling him and everything else thatā€™s involved :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

@FortySomethingWife I have addressed the issue about his drinking as he was out for days at a time and when he was here he was just a stumbling mess. Heā€™s calmed down with it but it is **everyday **
His fantasies are simpleā€¦ A bjā€¦ Thatā€™s all it is, which I donā€™t mind but he just rejects me and makes excuses, heā€™s just ate, too tired, too stressed. :roll_eyes:X

He has also said that he loves going down on me but I absolutely get turned off when he goes down on me, he just doesnā€™t do it for me in that way, it just feels icky when he does it. I had a guy, once, which was flawless at it. If only I could get him to teach my husbandā€¦ Iā€™m pretty sure that would break all the rules :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy::see_no_evil:
I donā€™t even know where he goes wrong with it, itā€™s just all of it :woman_facepalming:t3:

You could watch some videos together and try out some new techniques? You might find it easier explaining how you like it with a few visual aids. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thereā€™s a blog with some good tips in too. :+1:

Or you could try a Womanizer. :slightly_smiling_face:


Maybe you need to have a serious face to face chat and say how your feeling. Me and my misses were going through a rough patch and found that having a real open honest chat helped solve alot of things.

Im alot more emotional than she is so kept my feelings locked away for a long time but it just made things worse then finally having a honest talk opened up our relationship.

Try and find your confidence again and try not to feel rejected always remember that you need to make urself happy first and re-find your inner goddess.


God I canā€™t wait for my
Womanizer to arrive ā€¦ youā€™ve just reminded me!

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Agreed love yourself first x

You will have lots of fun with that tool @FortySomethingWife. You must keep us informed with a review. Iā€™m thinking of getting one for the wife.

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Iā€™ve just ordered some more sexy underwear /outfits from lovehoneyā€¦ I think Iā€™m addicted to lovehoney :see_no_evil::heart:


Welcome to the club!

Iā€™m feeling your pain tonight, Iā€™ve just sent the hubby some ridiculously insane sexy pics and told him to hurry up out of the bath in which he is currently lounging. That was twenty minutes ago and heā€™s decided heā€™d rather watch Lokiā€¦

Yeh Iā€™ll just go to sleep

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Ooh. It is a good one. :slightly_smiling_face:

I donā€™t know but itā€™s finished and heā€™s tired now so bed ā€¦ not impressed at all. Just got changed back into normal clothes and feel totally and utterly rejected. Had toys out and everything - forget it !

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Being turned down is always disappointing. Me and Mrs Chimp have both done it though, and we appreciate that sometimes weā€™re just not feeling it. And the sex is never that great when one person is just dialling it in anyway, so we prefer to take a raincheck. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeh two nights now ā€¦ hmmm not a happy chick . Oh well my starlet should be here tomorrow!

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