
Whats everyone’s plans for the Easter holidays

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Visiting my parents on Friday or Saturday, local Country Show to watch fun stuff and probably spend too much money on tasty goodies on Sunday and then a TREC clinic with my horse that a friend has organised on Monday which should be a laugh. Not working any of the four days - very exciting!

Hahaha work, work and more work. No break till Tuesday unfortunately!

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Only Friday is a holiday here in Canada. Kids are off school so we are spending time at home.

My daughter is taking a babysitting course all weekend and my son has been invited to a couple of parties which I have to drive him to… probably Uber will take us home as Mrs. Val is off with “S” for the evening and I will be doing some beer drinking with the parents of the kids at this party. Hope she’s horny as hell Friday night after whatever her and “S” do together when they are out…

I will be doing some house repairs on the roof as the weather has started to warm up on Saturday.

Sexually speaking I am hoping for some morning sex for a change of pace as I love an early morning session and never happens on weekends as we are always too busy or need to get somewhere. Then looking to go at it again with a dirty session Friday night if “S” warms Mrs. Val appropriately… :wink:

Not sure I will be able to smell “S” on her but I will know if they have gotten up to anything. Thinking about it gets my pretty hard… :crossed_fingers: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops:


My sisters planning to do a party for the kids on Friday, egg hunt and games etc.

Saturday, hubby’s got a surprise planned for me, really not a big fan of surprises (big autism trait of mine, I like to prepare myself for things) but I trust him and apparently I’m going to really like it :thinking: nervous :grimacing: but excited!

Were away for a nice dirty weekend. First time away without the kids for years then we have the whole week off so lots of family time. Got to go and see the Mario movie with the youngest and possibly a trip to Warwick Castle :hugs:

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Working Friday and Monday, so just a relaxing weekend off.


Taking the father in law out for his Xmas pressy on Friday, up the Northumberland coast and food. Saturday into the neighbours for food. Sunday walking the food off if its dry :joy::joy::joy: Monday… Haven’t a clue

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Have a great weekend without the kids and get up to many things. Fun times ahead. @Kh1985


Currently decorating the lounge and hall stairs and landing

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On Friday I’m going to the Peter rabbit attraction with my family then work all weekend :sob:

Milking the cows. Same as every other day. Maybe gets some firewood done.
BIG PLANS. :rofl:

going camping

Just enjoying the days away from work.

Find and Eat chocolate eggs of course! :egg:


Holidays mean rail projects…so working & fixing my colleagues from other departments mess

Ooh, definitely fit in Warwick Castle! I’ve been quite a few times on “special days” when I young. I used to love the jousting - you might have to go back with the kids another time though. Note, I remember them doing really good sticks of rock too for those with a sweet tooth! :rofl: I have great memories of Warwick Castle.