Household items

In my teens a boyfriend and I used a banana, only took it out of the skin!!! yep you guess it, it broke off lol nice stoggy mess to retrieve, but a right giggle, not been near one in that department since.
Have done the frozen food thing too, frozen sausages, then my partner cooked them and had them in a sandwich!!! whatever turns you on I guess, I passed to say the least, was suddenly not hungry!!

when i was a little younger i used to use the brush handle

dear miss-nomer.honestly putting a condom on a banana???? realy.???? you should no that you can't get pregnant.????

when is miss_hev going to tell all then. come on tell all miss_hev. don't start a thread and not tell us you one's

We've used cucumbers hint-peel it first, makes it all nice and slippery. Courgette-always seem a bit hairy and make Mrs S/beast sore. Banana-we think there is something in the skin that also causes discomfort. Carrot-bit hard and Mooli- buy from Asian stores- an absolute blast.
Pestle as in mortar and- very good that one. Large candle- turned out to be much too big. Cava bottle with the cork put back in having been smoothed down a bit. Mrs S/beast discovered that the corner of her bench at work was rather interesting when she was using her air powered orbital sander on an item that was near the corner she was leaning against. Can't think of any more at the moment.

I have always thought about how horny it would be to use one of those mini milk ice lollies lol.
Might have to convince my fella when he gets back from his night out :)

I'm the same as everyone i think used brush handle, body spray can etc etc

hi, i'm new and havent read all your 'comments' so sorry if i repeat but after a really boring camping trip in FRANCE with friends n lots of kids i found the retreat of the shower head on my clit with the battery powered toothbrush gently rubbing in n out i soon came to my 'happy heaven' unfortunately for me i get a crimson rash around my neck when this happens so had to sit in shower for 15mins to wait until rash fella thinks i had problem with bowels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to the site 18bertie... its nice to have new people around... dont matter if you repeat anything said already we will just answer anything you ask and maybe learn something new we didnt already know.....

as for the shower thing I would have dragged partner in ^^
I too get the *CUM RASH* not easy to fake "O" when you do!
Although I have never had to but one day I may have to if he tries it on again while I'm trying to watch Greys Anatomy :S

Hi Doll Legs, when you say usae it do you mean "use" t fnarr fnarr !! or stuff it up his ass!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just back me and MrsTallboy from the Sutton Bonnington Village

Fete horticultural tent- there were fruit and veg to reduce strong men to tears, monstrous tapered carrots, thich stubby carrots, ridge cucumbers of all circumferances, leeks of astounding dimensions!!! Perhaps if Orgasm Army ever get around to hosting an event for all us loyal perps then perhaps a "most" erotically potential fruit and veg stall would be in order, you could even have stuffed some prize winning stoned fruits where the sun dont shine!!! oh heaven,,,, and no Laynie no butternut squash !!! he he.

:O the scandle.. no butternut, what is the world comming to ??

It was a carrot from Marks and Spencers that started off love for dildo/insertion/vibrator sex. I can remember how wild that drove my gf (now wife) back then. In fact Tesco delivered some carrots (organic nowadays!) for our carnal use only this week. We added a cucumber to the list too. We've only used a cucumber once before, but remember loving it.

I used one of those rubber finger tips - ribbed, the kind you buy on the business supply isles to turn pages with. I fixed it with superglue, and lots of tissue tucked inside the tip, to an electric toothbrush. It worked great! I used it for years. I also used it on my girlfriends and it was one of our favorite "toys"!

Lol. Now that is inventive!

Must have had British ancestors !!!

Im the same as l8bertie new, and have used the gushing shower head many times for great external orgasms, with a cucumber and (wait for it)an unused plunger handle! Not thick enough though but gave us a giggle at the time.

Yes, I do have British ancestors. How did you know?

Your inventive streak is almost certainly down to them- it rains so much over here there is bugger all else to do apart from you know what !!!
Well done on your inventiveness Susie, ever thought of going into full time production?
tallboy xx

Now that I'm working on tallboy, would love my hubby to use his hammer handle and taking a really good hammering from him, up my arse too of course!

Wow Suzie-w bring it on !!!!