How long do refunds actually take?

I sent something back to LoveHoney for a refund and it was received last Monday. I contacted their customer support and they gave me the generic response of within 14 days, which seems like an awfully long time for a return/refund. Is it usually like this or should I contact them again?

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I’ve never had an issue with refunds or returns - perhaps just contact them again.

Hey @gg112233 welcome to the forum :blush:

I returned something a couple of months ago and think it took 7-10 days from memory.

Please bear in mind the bank holiday so the team probably have a backlog they’re trying to clear too :+1:t2:

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I returned a couple of things a couple of months ago. It took about 10 days if I remember correctly.

14 days is actually quite quick to receive the item and let the accounts team know, so I would just take their word for the time.
Some companies are 30 days.

Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face: I’d maybe contact them again but also just wait the 14 days to see if it refunds within that time