How long does it take you to recover ?

Had a 2 hour sex session last night - tied up, spanked, anal play - bit of everything really, which we both thoroughly enjoyed. I fell asleep immediately after and awoke this morning still shattered. I've had a fairly normal day but I still feel wrecked 24 hours later. Does anyone else take this long to recover from an intense session ?

Yep!! My partner and I had sex for around 1.5-2 hours last night, including lots of foreplay and spanking etc. I've been slobbed out in my armchair all day today and he's had a few little naps!

Both of us have pulled muscles in our thighs too, which is the sign of a good session! ;)

Take it easy, relax, and prepare for the next one! Xxx

Depends on how horny I am. Sometimes it's twenty minutes, sometimes it's twenty hours. Sometimes more and sometimes it's something in between. Most intense sessions though requires usually at least 12 hours, but not only for me, for my OH too. That means cuddle time!

Depends on session as of lately half a day -full day due to childbirth scarring

Hhmm yeah depends on the session hehe, not being getting any lately as just started talking to someone. But I remember with my previous partner that I'd get shakey leg syndrome as I call it for at least a day. And usually I'd have a ten hour shift behind a bar which meant standing and also him usually appearing at some point just to winde me up and torment me XD haha

You're not alone Terri!

years ago in my twentys i could cum, stayed hard, keep going for half an hour then cum again, now in my early fifties once ive cum nothings going to happen for at least an hour and probably 12 to 24 hours to get really horny and up for it again, deppends on weather its been a quickie or a fullon fore play,role play, massaging no holes barred session

I'm actually not that fond of orgasming because I feel absolutely shitty afterwards - tired goes without saying, but with it I can often have a bad headache and sometimes it triggers my vertigo too which I have problems with anyway.

So I like to make sure that if I do orgasm, I make sure it's a damn good one and sometimes even a double (I'm going to feel ill afterwards either way, so I may as well make it worth it!).

Normally this only lasts for an hour or so but it is very unpleasant and quite honestly has made me feel less inclined to go 'all the way' over the years. It was never a problem as a randy teenager, so I have resigned myself to the fact that I am simply getting old.

Depending on session..

Sometime i can carry on other times have to stop.

My bf seem to have to rest for at least an hour or more

It depends how horny I am, if I'm really horny then I end up cumming fairly quickly but about 20 mins later I'm ready to go again and last a lot longer round two.
On a few occasions I have cum inside a partner and stayed hard whilst still inside her as we cuddle for a short time then carry on for a second time.

A good nights sleep usually sorts us both out . Thats why we only have proper sex at weekends .

Like others say it depends on how rough the sex was or if it is quick/long etc. I find that the more I orgasm, the greater sleep I get at night seeing as I'm usually a but if a night hawk who stays up till 1am most nights. This might not sound late but when you have 2 kids and pregnant it is extremely late haha!

Sometimes I need to rest for a few days,as I'm very sore down there,lol.