quick or long

how come some women seem to luv it when a man cums quickly (like its turning them on the man gets off over them so quick) yet other women are disappointed in sex being over so soon?

what is a good time for sex to take? 5 mins? 15? 30?

My girlfriend says she loves it when I cum really quickly, she says it means she knows I was really turned on and desperate for her! Although, other times we have longer sex, and keep changing positions to make it last longer...just depends on mood!!

My OH and I vary it, sometimes it's just in, foreplay, quick and hard session then occasionally we get really passionate and slow and chance positions lots. I've seen our sessions go between 5 minutes and 2 hours. Just depends on what feels right

when with a new partner though it seems embarassing to cum quick.

or is this kinda expected from the women??

ive been with some women who say the turn on for them isnt the time of sex they just like the feeling of cum inside them? but you never know what to believe when they say such things

We never do quickies anymore, sometimes it would be nice to have one, though I like the longer sessions too. Longest we had was 1 1/2 hours, was so good but I found muscles I didn't know I had next day

I love it when he cums inside, the feeling of him getting bigger, then the thrusting is stronger, then the release,yep feels good. Like it when he let's go over me too.

I think it totally depends on mood. Sometimes, a quick hard fuck can be amazing. Other times it's better to spend ages using toys, different positions etc. It's just important that you're both on the same page so noone ends up disappointed! :)

Ye entirely depends on the mood sometimes a quickie can be fantastic other times you want to take your time. But like Milky says best to be on the same page so everyone's satisfied :)

we rarely have quickies ,we seem to end up playing for a couple of hours :)

We normally go for at least an hour but usually 2-3 hours. I shouldn't complain but sometimes i'd really like a quickie say 15mins or so but it never happens. :-(

Wow ad and mrs A obviously nothing average about your sex life. Hour probably normal for us oh seems to be giving me larger and longer in time these days which is great. Seems to be getting bigger and better with age!