How many orgasms do you have per day?

That's the question just the average number.

I would have said a bit less than one per day. but now that I've found Lovehoney and have toys that I take with me or leave in the car, that number is climbing a bit I've barely had a day this year without one.

Good question.

Since finding Lovehoney I have become multi-orgasmic easily having 20 orgasms or more per session. So if that happens 4 times a week that's 80 orgasms in a week which is approx 11 per day.

But sometimes I only have one orgasm which would bring that average down more.

So all in all quite a lot lol

Oh you're so lucky delilah! I probably average out at 1 a day.

A day!!!! on a normal week when i have nothing to test or no new toys i'll manage one maybe two, some weeks none if i just can't get in the mood

delilahxx wrote:

Good question.

Since finding Lovehoney I have become multi-orgasmic easily having 20 orgasms or more per session. So if that happens 4 times a week that's 80 orgasms in a week which is approx 11 per day.

But sometimes I only have one orgasm which would bring that average down more.

So all in all quite a lot lol

My average is blown out by sessions as well - i probably have 4-5 two days a week by myself, and then 20 once a week with the bf.

Once a day, but want more just lately feel guilty though my horniness has gone through the roof.

Not sure why my labido has hit rock bottom... When it comes to the wife.... strangely enough I find myself going without sex for days and days sometimes three weeks without a hint of desires. Then I'd have a surge of passion.

But I find I end up enjoying masturbating and doing it more often than actually having sex. Sex is very enjoyable don't get me wrong but I really like to read erotic stories online and I suspect it's the slow build up that leads an explosive orgasm.....

Any thoughts?

I've purchased a Fleshlight Lotus tonight my very first. I'm really excited about using it. Maybe I'll find myself having more orgasms... who knows?

I'm a bit jealous. I want to try it on my own before I introduce it to the wife :)

It depends oon workload in other words, how lazy I am when I finally have time to play.

And on the time of the circle I am in. I am not on hormonal contraception soo honestly sometimes I just struggle to get aroused or wet as result of hormonal changes. While other times I can easily have 10 orgasms a day

On weeks when I'm alone, anywhere between 1 every few days, to 2-3 a day. Depending on my mood.

On weeks when I'm with the OH, it's probably 3-4 a day.

I'd say it averages out to around 1-2 per day I think.

My hubby works away in the week so when he is home I probably get 2 or 3 in a session at the weekend :-)

I also have my orgasms by myself and will masturbate daily at some point, which is a habit I got into at college and haven't managed to give up :-)

I go through stages, at the moment i'm in a 5-6 a day stage, but havent been this bad for a good few months, so i couldn't tell you an accurate average, but at the moment its a lot :)

I'm similar to the lucky Delilah here! Since being with the new OH, who is soo soo attentive and into me, it is generally double figures each session. We usually see each other 4/5 times a week with maybe two sessions each time but similar again sometimes it'll start with a ridiculously powerful one that I just can't recover from anytime soon! Probably about 70 a week including those days I'm on my own... Now what a lovely way to think about that!

If I don't see my OH for the week however it'll be maybe 2/3 a day!

1-2 per day for me unless my wife is on nights which just messes up the cycle!

I've had maybe 10 in my lifetime, only 2 quite overwhelming ones, but then i masturbated for the first time the same day i made this account, but the past 3 weeks atleast, i've just not been in the mood, the 2 times i tried i couldn't orgasm, quite frustrating.

VirginAngel wrote:

I've had maybe 10 in my lifetime, only 2 quite overwhelming ones, but then i masturbated for the first time the same day i made this account, but the past 3 weeks atleast, i've just not been in the mood, the 2 times i tried i couldn't orgasm, quite frustrating.

Oh hun. Just try and relax you are like a lot of us to goal orientated. Think of it more of a self pamper and massage session. You do deserve it some self time ,everyone does. I think you've got a little mental block around it and to relax tell your self it's ok to enjoy it should do the trick. This is normal don't get het up over it. Not many on bere but some women go for years not able to orgasm , there are a few that just can't. Most of it is physiological, so just try to relax and enjoy all the other wonderful feeling you are getting and if you orgasm you do if not maybe next time.

I think i know the reason to be honest, GG. After meeting a few new friends online through gaming and after first experimentations with masturbation i became really unsure of what i wanted. I ended an almost perfect relationship because he's very shy and won't even discuss sex (it's long distance and we haven't met face to face yet) and who doesn't really show verbal affection again due to shyness, and got involved with a guy who just wanted a sex object. I never loved the new guy, and i was always in love with my partner, but i had a major panic my relationship wasn't going where i wanted, and made the bigest mistake i could ever make ending the relationship. The second i told him i wanted omeone else his reaction proved beyond any doubt that he loved me as much as i loved him, and i've felt awful ever since. At first it was minimal contact, then he wanted to cut all contact, then we were in constant contact, and all i could think of was how much i loved him. Icut all contact with the new guy and he did take me back, officially as of 3 weeks ago when i asked him out, and we're better than ever, but i just have this constant aching hate for myself, that feels like it will never go away because it kills me rthat i hurt him and feel so undeserving of being with him, it's put me off everything but wanting to show him he's my world, couldn't care less about sex.

I'm lucky if I have one once a week, let alone once a day.

This is what happens when your husband runs his own business, and believes he needs to spend every waking hour working, and is then too tired for anything else afterwards...

some days I have none. other days I have one and If I'm extra horny it can be 3 or more :o)

have one most days, but 3 today...all solo with my humdinger :)
usually have one during a session with OH but only if he gives me oral