How many times do you masturbate and where?

It depends whether my hubby is at home or away but usually once a day or maybe twice. My normal place is in the shower so this can be first thing in a morning or when I get back after work. If he is travelling in the week then it can be on the bed or just in front of the TV.

As often as Iā€™m allowed. Usually every other day. If I had my way it would probably be every night before bed, every morning before getting up, and maybe once during the day if I had time and felt like it :stuck_out_tongue:

@rockstar Also one of my fantasies to have my wife be my key holder. I actually bought a cage and tried wearing it for a few hours to test it out. Iā€™m both terrified and absolutely dying to try it out. :grimacing:

As you may have read Iā€™ve been wearing one for just over a year now. I wear it during my waking hours and for most of the time it is retained by a spring clip but when we go out it has a padlock and my wife has the keys as her earrings.
We donā€™t use the term ā€˜keyholderā€™ as such but I never remove it without her permission.

Everyday, sometimes 2/3 a day if things have been stressful or I wake up from a killer dream! Most before bed, waking up, during the day if Iā€™m feeling more receptive than other days :slight_smile:

He says about 3 times a week, usually watching porn when Iā€™m not there. For me itā€™s usually every day and has been for a long time. Itā€™s usually in the bedroom after work but can also be in the bath or shower where I have the privacy.

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For safety sake , everybody stay hydrated and eat well , take vitamins if you tend to masterbate often . If you see smoke , SLOW down ! Also , switch hands so muscles will not be dispraportionate . Also keep fingernails trimmed and filed . A pubic service announcement .