How many toys do you own?

Ok, so tonight I was looking at our naughty drawer and thinking we have got quite a collection of toys now. Over the years I have binned alot as well after I either got bored of them or killed them by over using them.
So it made me wonder how many sex toys do most people actually own? Several of my friends claim to have only one or two toys maximum and I even have friends that state they have never owned a sex toy!!!!
So does my current collection of 20+ toys make me above or below average

I am going to guess at the average being 1 to 3 in general bedrooms, but that this number will be higher still for people who use this forum (I am going off the logic that they are here on the forums and therefore of a higher interest in sex, sexuality and specifically, sex toys) Maybe 5 to 10 each on average on the forums. I think you are above average yup!

My number is higher still because I am a blogger/reviewer, bloggers tend to be up there in the hundreds or thousands for those who have been doing it years and years. I am quite new to it though. I think my number is somewhere around 100. I work this out by knowing I have about 40 review posts written already and have not reviewed half my toys yet. :S So yeh, about 100 for me so far. Thats nothing though compared to what I know some girls and boys to have! :)

Too many, yet somehow not enough...

Fluff bags how to you find time to have that many orgasams lol! You must always have a smile on your face lol

atm I have 3, there were 2 more that I had to bin :(

and i've ordered 3 more :)


Fluffbags wrote:

I am going to guess at the average being 1 to 3 in general bedrooms, but that this number will be higher still for people who use this forum (I am going off the logic that they are here on the forums and therefore of a higher interest in sex, sexuality and specifically, sex toys) Maybe 5 to 10 each on average on the forums. I think you are above average yup!

My number is higher still because I am a blogger/reviewer, bloggers tend to be up there in the hundreds or thousands for those who have been doing it years and years. I am quite new to it though. I think my number is somewhere around 100. I work this out by knowing I have about 40 review posts written already and have not reviewed half my toys yet. :S So yeh, about 100 for me so far. Thats nothing though compared to what I know some girls and boys to have! :)

I've used over a thousand sex toys.... and own most of them still. Last year I got rid of about 80 vibes though, most broken, or bad materials.

At one point I was posting a review a day, and had orders of around 10-30 products most months... that's when I was richer. Generally with review items I can get around 3 a week, but I've had the odd week where I would get around 20, but often that's due to a company sending out a new collection for feedback and reviews.

I have 7.. A good average amount I think =)

I do intend on buying one more though when my bank account looks like it can handle it lol

20 so far. But planning on getting loads more! ;)

The Nymphomaniac wrote:

Fluffbags wrote:

I am going to guess at the average being 1 to 3 in general bedrooms, but that this number will be higher still for people who use this forum (I am going off the logic that they are here on the forums and therefore of a higher interest in sex, sexuality and specifically, sex toys) Maybe 5 to 10 each on average on the forums. I think you are above average yup!

My number is higher still because I am a blogger/reviewer, bloggers tend to be up there in the hundreds or thousands for those who have been doing it years and years. I am quite new to it though. I think my number is somewhere around 100. I work this out by knowing I have about 40 review posts written already and have not reviewed half my toys yet. :S So yeh, about 100 for me so far. Thats nothing though compared to what I know some girls and boys to have! :)

I've used over a thousand sex toys.... and own most of them still. Last year I got rid of about 80 vibes though, most broken, or bad materials.

At one point I was posting a review a day, and had orders of around 10-30 products most months... that's when I was richer. Generally with review items I can get around 3 a week, but I've had the odd week where I would get around 20, but often that's due to a company sending out a new collection for feedback and reviews.

Wow nymphomaniac.. Where on earth do you put them all?! lol! Bet your blog is really good.. Going to have a look =)

Wow some people have loads! There goes LH making me feel vanilla again haha! I have 30ish at the moment which i somehow do seem to all use...could always do with more though when my bank balance rcovers from the latest sales! :)

I have 28 and 4 more on the way!

After a massive clearout last year we have somewhere between 20 and 30 dotted about the place. You should see the lingerie drawers though!

About 30 vibros/ dildo,s then i have have other items like bondage kits floggers etc..

S&S wrote:

After a massive clearout last year we have somewhere between 20 and 30 dotted about the place. You should see the lingerie drawers though!

I definately spend more on lingerie than toys. My lingerie draw is beginning to oveflow =/

xmorningxgloryx wrote:

The Nymphomaniac wrote:

Fluffbags wrote:

I am going to guess at the average being 1 to 3 in general bedrooms, but that this number will be higher still for people who use this forum (I am going off the logic that they are here on the forums and therefore of a higher interest in sex, sexuality and specifically, sex toys) Maybe 5 to 10 each on average on the forums. I think you are above average yup!

My number is higher still because I am a blogger/reviewer, bloggers tend to be up there in the hundreds or thousands for those who have been doing it years and years. I am quite new to it though. I think my number is somewhere around 100. I work this out by knowing I have about 40 review posts written already and have not reviewed half my toys yet. :S So yeh, about 100 for me so far. Thats nothing though compared to what I know some girls and boys to have! :)

I've used over a thousand sex toys.... and own most of them still. Last year I got rid of about 80 vibes though, most broken, or bad materials.

At one point I was posting a review a day, and had orders of around 10-30 products most months... that's when I was richer. Generally with review items I can get around 3 a week, but I've had the odd week where I would get around 20, but often that's due to a company sending out a new collection for feedback and reviews.

Wow nymphomaniac.. Where on earth do you put them all?! lol! Bet your blog is really good.. Going to have a look =)

My flat is known as a magical place, a bit like aldanis cave, but with erotica.

Basically my flkoor, kitchen, anywhere, is filled with sex toys, and since I've started to write about toys for companies too, I seem to be getting more.

I'm taking a little break from sex toy reviewing though and focusing on erotica.... which I'm now drowning in. But I need to do a lot of reading for research and for my book club.

Also starting to build a porn collection slowly, but it's expensive and harder to get to review.

I just wish I had more time to fit it all in. But writing reviews really has to come second to actual work and life now :-/

We have about 30ish not including crops, paddles cuffs etc,

About 18 and lots of underwear xx

i'd love to get more lingerie, but as a bigger girl, it's so expensive and more difficult to find :(