How many toys do you own?

I think I have about 30. I did have some cheaper vibes which I got rid of and only kept the sleeves to use with my favourite bullet vibes. And I have to say that I did buy my last toy in February, so I do not get that many now. I am very happy to be just using what I have. And may only buy 1 more toy this year. And that is if the version I want will come out.

Looks like I don't have too many after all. It's going to cost me a fortune to catch up with some of you lot x x

maybe 15, not gotten round to counting them all as some are at my house, some are at the OH's. don't plan on stopping buying any more anytime soon though! In fact, I'm looking for a new buttplug

Probably 30+ at this point between my OH and I :) Plus numerous books, DVDs and lubes. They all have a different role to play ;) Collecting them and always exploring the market for more is a great hobby. Almost as much fun as using them :p

I thought about counting them and looking and then decided not to, I'm trying to convince myself to treat myself since my son is off to his fathers for the summer holidays and I have a nice quiet peaceful house. I think if I count my toys I'll talk myself out of purchsing another one.

12 toys and just started on a underwater collection but can see loads of new toys in want to try.

I'm afraid to know the answer to this! :P

I've lost count, but theres always room for more!

About 3 months ago i broke up with my ex, and left pretty much the whole collection at his house (Felt wierd taking them back to leave with someone else, anyone else feel like that?)
A little heartbroken i did that now there was a fair bit...cockring, anal prober, anal beads, butt plug, bondage tape, lube, massage oil, massage candle.

so now im left with just my bullet vibrator (which the battery has run out of!!!! and i havent got a replacement :( *sobs*

Anyway, luckily im 3 weeks into a new relationship which is going pretty well (other than the fact we both live with out parents so have to be a bit sneakier with things) so hopefully i can start to build another :)

I have 9... Thats actually more than i realised haha

So I/We have:

Basix 7" Dildo

Tenga Flip Hole (White)

Tenga EGG Six Pack (Season 1 & 2)

Tenga EGG Six Pack (Season 3 & 4)

Tenga 3D (Pile) Masturbator

Tengs 3D (Module) Masturbator

Fleshjack Pink Butt Stamina Training Unit

Fun Zone Vulcan Ripe Anus Male Masturbator

Anal Beads



A Whole box of lubes, lotions and potions.

We're fairly new to the world of sex toys, but boy are we having lots of fun exploring together!

The list of everything I have tried is here: easier to post it than a number as I am not sure.

It is difficult to say how many I have as it's not just sex toys it's bondage, outfits, books, extras etc as well. If you count all those then easily 300 if not more. Just sex toys, err around 100. That includes what I use most and what I don't use as much. However I have a load more for adoption and recycling.

Oh it looks like im above average, 37 and counting and loads of undies we use toys all the time and for both of us so we have quite a range ;) I have a tonne of lubes and other bits like massage oils and creams too ;) x

about 12 but mostly only use 3 possibly 4 ........... need to do more amnesty

15 but I only use a few, about 5 or 6 and the rest are just there because I can't seem to get rid of them.

Wow I thought having 12 was a lot, looks like I've got some Catching up to do with some you lol. Sayin that I have started buyin more frequently than I use to. xx

Just 2. A vibrating vagina and cock ring.

I was just sitting on the floor with them all out counting how many i have lol, 36 sex toys, plus rope handcuffs, whips, and other extras :o Think i will be needing a bigger toy box soon.

I would say at least 30 toys and its growing

About 30-35 I think :) Xx