How many?

How many sexual encounters have you had? No necessary full intercourse could be just oral? And which gender? Mine is 8 all female.

If you mean individual people then a fe dozen... If you mean the number of times I've done oral (or more) then it's in the hundreds - I really have no idea xD

Mine is 4, all female.

Mines just been the one and female. There have been numerous other times when I could have had a one night stand but I don’t consider myself to be that type of guy. For me, the pleasure of being with another person is knowing that I can please them intimately and be committed to them rather than the wham, bam thank you ma’am.

Six. All female.

That's spread over some 50 years.

My count is currently 5 men and 5 women.

I've had...maybe 15 sexual partners, all female. Once with a guy there with one female, but we didn't touch each other etc. As for non sex things, oral and slipping a finger etc well that's a few more...