how often do people do anal, and do you feel looser than you were before?

hi, basically what the title says, whether it with your OH or with toys. how regular do you endulge in anal fun and do you feel looser back there? ive recently started and the biggest i can take is 1.5 inches and im sure im looser and ive only done it a couple times

You do get looser- ok no farmers on the one hand, time will tell re the dilation !!!

Doing well with the photo, l thought it wasn't long for this world !!!


You do get looser- ok no farmers on the one hand, time will tell re the dilation !!!

Doing well with the photo, l thought it wasn't long for this world !!!


Yo buttman! Me and my OH do partake in anal fun quite regularly and she has no probs with loosness as far as I know. Niether do I!! Is there some kind of butt clenching exercises you could do to tighten up?


i do some clenches after which seem to help. I havent done it for a acouple of days and seem to have gone back to normal so all is good. Spose if it was done everyday then you wouldnt have time to recover so thats when things probably get loose. Just need to learn to have fun in moderation lol!!

D'oh, did I miss someones wang? Oh well.
I think half the battle with anal is relaxation, the first couple of times you do it you may well be tense, once you realize you like it you will be more relaxed about it & don't tense up, thus making buggery than much more enjoyable.
Certainly, think of your ass as a squeezy ketchup bottle, the first few squirts are pretty hard,wild & a bit uncontrolable until that sphincter loosens up, by the end the contents are positively dribbling out onto the floor!

A few times a week is always nice. But I don't have any of the problems mentioned by MD above. Quite the reverse in fact. As your muscles become more toned and used to the exercise, they relax and become firm again afterwards, much more quickly. So the more often you do it, the easier it becomes basically.

This thread might interest you - check out the links in it to both the dilator set and the Sub Mariner dildo. They might help you!

Well me and hubby do anal every couple of months, you do tend to feel looser for a while after having anal sex, but it shouldnt last for more than a couple of hours afterwards. Clenched may help!

i dont find that i feel that much looser after anal - i suppose it depends on how often you do anal and what size is going u there!! if you dont start off small then you could be over stretching before yoyu are ready too.

Hi miss sparkle! I just wanted to say that I like your new review for the anal beads! I have the same ones myself. Great, aren't they! :-)

hey there bbg - yep i have enjoyed them on many occasions!! lovely to see you back ;)

Hi buttman, I can cetainly see where you're coming from. When I first started to experiment with anal play I was really worried about things 'stretching' so to speak. But as im sure you know, once you've started to play around with small items you yearn for something larger, and although this means yr anus does get used to 'stretching', as long as you take things slow, and dont go from say a finger to a bloody watermelon, you should be fine.

Nice to know it isn't just me that got hooked that way then sexytime! Like you say, once you start, you do tend to want something bigger after a while! :-)

Where have the damn smileys gone?!

It's the feeling of being full! It's absolutely amazing. I think it's the fact that when you try your first toy it feels huge because nothing has ever been up there before. But after a few uses, you soon get used to it and it lacks that kinky full feeling, so you move on to something bigger, then the same thing happens, so you move on again.....

I haven't actually gone past my 3rd yet, but I'm hoping it doesn't get out of :$ (that should be a shy face!)

im the same, started off with a 1 inch diameter plug, the 1.2, then moved on to a 1.5 twist and shout anal dildo which was a challenge at first but now slips in fine. And now im working on a 1.8 inch butt plug which is taking some time, think i may have to bridge the gap!! but it can get so addictive lol

Another anal aficionado over here.

You definitely get looser if you play with your plugs every day. Not "incontinence" looser but it get's much easier to insert the toy, much less "foreplay" is needed. But from my experience that works both ways. Before friday I haven't done anything with my plug in three weeks.. And it took ages to get it in. I also used up all the lube in the process. :blush:

I also like the way it fills you up. Main reason why I'm not sure I'd like strapon play. The in-and-out motion might not be my cup of tea. Sill gonna try it with a dildo on my own though. ;] And yes, I too hope this "upping the ante" doesn't get out of hand.. I'm at 2.25" now and the next two toys I'm buying are 2.5 and 3.5. But that's it then. I swear, lol.

i wasnt too sure about the in-and-out motion either, but since ive tried it, i love it!! you can go as fast or slow as you like. i also find that its a good warm up to bigger toys :)

I know what you mean buttman. When I first started I just used to insert my beads or a plug and leave them in while I just had a normal session.

But more recently I have completely stopped using any beads and go straight to the plug before I even start on mini-me. Then when i'm really really horny i'll slide the plug out and use a 6 inch vibrator to slide in and out. The best thing to do is to stand it up on the floor and lower myself onto it. It feels absolutely devine!! Even kinkier if you do it on cam....ahem *blushes*

I don't get a chance to do it that often, but I have been playing back there for quite a few years.

I wouldn't say I'm looser than before I ever started but the "rest state" (for want of a better phrase) of my hole is definitely slightly larger than before. When I first started I'd have to start each time with a single finger and work up, now I can go straight to a small dildo without any problems.

The biggest I've gone is 2" and I've only done that occasionally, it still takes a lot of working up to! (but worth the effort :oD )

well i play with my dildos twice a week or more. i'd say that my hole is looser now as i can get my fingers right in or a dildo but i don;t have a problem.i remember when i first put my finger in there how i felt...amazing and i kept putting it in & out for hours.the only thing is that i have to try bigger toys now!, but it;s still amazing!